How many Apps do you have and How much do you earn per day?

Wow! How do you promote it/them??

HOW THE FUCK CAN SOMEONE WORRY ABOUT 120 BUCKS PER DAY??? It is my dream because then I could afford the car of my dreams within 12 months .___.

12 fun Apps, nothing special but one serious one that makes me 5-12 bucks per day. Now I do a copypaste clone to the same topic and I think it will make me another $3-5 per day. It’s enough for me because I am not proud of my money, I am proud of 60000 downloads in my first 3 months and good user ratings.

how many overall installs has your app? and how many daily downloads?

Can you just share Which ad network you use?

Can you just share which ad network you use?and what is its avg. cpm?

First app was blocked coz of a copyright infringement notice, because i used the wrong name.
Did uses some tricks to optimize search ranking for my first app. As for the second app, did some not so subtle advertising for it through my first app. Audience was similar so it climbed up quickly.

Active installs = 600,000
Overall = 1,700,000
Daily = Around 20k right now.

I would advice you guys to just focus on one huge idea instead of trying to make 20 copy paste apps. It’s the quality that matters the most, specially if you are up against established players.
If your app/game is really good, Google’s algorithm will automatically take it to the top.
Although some copycat bastard made a worse copy of my first app and his copy was downloaded 4 times more than my original app. That experience also taught me a thing or two about ugly marketing, which i had completely ignored at first. Only advice from me

Do whatever it takes, you don’t have the skill/money to play fair against big players.

Btw which ad network you use?cpm of that network?

I have mentioned all the stats here
Also use startapp in addition to this.

Can you elaborate a bit more on this?

20 app 25 dollar/day

$1k a day, 20k downloads a day.
krosser, $0.05 per download is on a high side unless you have IAP. Is your traffic mostly from the US?

Banner ads actually contributed to about $600 only, 75% of my traffic is from US. And now even after 50k daily installs i make $1400 from banner ads. Btw what is IAP?

Take my advice and don’t waste money that you earn from here on a liability like a car, buy assets instead.

I notice everyone who didn’t make it yet, first dreams of buying a car… or something shiny… can’t blame ya, that’s what i did too, but it didnt get me anywhere. If anything, it distracted me even more than I already was. No, you are not gonna be a cool kid on the block, you’re only gonna piss off people. No, you are not going to magically get all the girls either, no matter what car you have. Stop chasing that stupid ego shit and make Candy Crush Saga sequel, then buy yourself an island and retire.

IAP refers to In App Purchases :slight_smile:

Well, with buying liabilities the best solution is: buy only things that you can afford without hurting your savings and current expenses. I also always act as if the revenue could stop at any moment, savings are important.
Back to the topic: I have about 30 apps, but 2 of them make 75% of the income, 4 more 20%, the rest 5% (I don’t even update them any more). My monthly revenue is fluctuating, but it’s constantly higher than $400 a day. 85% from ads, 15% from IAP and sales (in application payments) - all on Android unfortunately but I plan on moving also to different platform to be more safe. I live in a poor country so the revenue is quite unimaginable, normally people here make less than $50 a day (programmers about $100).

I also keep in mind that revenue can stop at any time, so i need to be prepared for that. I have started another thread for this kind of talk, take a look.
Your country is not poor compared to mine. I worked at a job to learn high level programming and dealing with big projects an all. My income was $500 a month.

I’ve failed at math in that post. :slight_smile: $50 per day would give $1500 per month - THIS is the amount good programmers make in my country. “Normal” people make at most $25 per day.

In Russia and the U.S. in the top overall, three app, 295k downloads a day $15к a day.

Wow , Thats Huge ,
mind sharing what are your apps !