How many Apps do you have and How much do you earn per day?

in my case i have 28 apps
nearly $120-150 per day :frowning:


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How do u manage 28 apps? Do u just simply copy and re-modify them with your ads and publish? I think 120$ is fair enough for copy paste apps. You can make 50 though…)
P.S. I do have only 1 app so far and doesnt make anything.

Why the long face?

  • 18 apps
    $400 a day give or take.

All your apps published in Google Play Store only? Or combination of all app store (Samsung Apps, Amazon,…)

I have 5 apps making $9-$13 per day.

1 app, 1 dollar per day!

Your game looks very decent, you should make more in time. :slight_smile: A small tip: don’t show “rate us” button until you are sure the user likes the game (for example he plays it for 2/3 days). That would help you avoid negative comments (although the one there is about the popup I would take seriously and fix that issue). Although your rating is already excellent (4.7).

17 free ad supported apps and 4 paid apps. Approx 250,000 downloads total of everything (58% retention).
From the ad supported side i get on average $28 to $32 a day.
Paid version purchases average out to ~ $9 a day

Total ~ $37 to $41 per day.
Plus $100/month from a couple advertisers that bought out the ad space on 2 apps.

But there are reasons its not 1.5 times more than that. I have been slacking. Seriously did absolutely nothing this weekend on my apps. I just have too many apps part way done and need to just focus and finish each one off one at a time. Currently i have 8 free apps and 2 paid apps i haven’t finished that are decent apps. Then there are the multitudes of clone apps i could make from these. That alone could keep me busy for the next few months.

Yeah, we (my brother and i) made a lot of mistakes with that app. It was our first game or app for that matter, so we learned a lot!
Btw we gor now a rate us message triggered after certain level is passed. (rate us is button is gone now).

We are working full time developing games (yeah i know huge risk) so will be releasing games continuously. Next one is coming at the end of July, and i can already tell its way better than the first one ;-). Time will tell if we got any sucess…

Good luck. I’ve gone that way two years ago and don’t look back.

Man i wish i could. I am working a regular job 50 hours a week plus doing apps by myself. I now make about half that regular job salary with app revenue after a year of making apps. So it will be some time before i get to quit my job and only do apps.

im developing apps for nearly about two years. almost all of them are quality apps and i never copy paste. i used to earn $250 in december but thanks to Leadbolt and Airpush it dropped to $120 :frowning:

I have 3 apps, but only 2 are generating some money, 3rd is only demo for now…My total earnings per day are ~ 20-30 EUR. I would like to have at least 50 to be finally independent developer, and around 100-150 to be completely satified :slight_smile:

When you will have 100-150 you will aim for 200-300, believe me. It never ends. :slight_smile:

One app, Generally $1000 a day. Highest was $2000. Started making apps almost 3 years ago, only made 2 so far.

Nice. Especially for only 2 apps, you must have huge hits. Shows that there is potential.

Wow! How do you promote it/them??

HOW THE FUCK CAN SOMEONE WORRY ABOUT 120 BUCKS PER DAY??? It is my dream because then I could afford the car of my dreams within 12 months .___.

12 fun Apps, nothing special but one serious one that makes me 5-12 bucks per day. Now I do a copypaste clone to the same topic and I think it will make me another $3-5 per day. It’s enough for me because I am not proud of my money, I am proud of 60000 downloads in my first 3 months and good user ratings.

how many overall installs has your app? and how many daily downloads?

Can you just share Which ad network you use?

Can you just share which ad network you use?and what is its avg. cpm?