See the problem with promoting your app on forums is that you won’t really find your target audience there, its mostly developers there. Facebook, Twitter and other such social channels where your audience really like to visit are the places where people will listen to what you have to say. I’d say do a free Press Release. And better still, there are several app review sites who’ll review your app for free, if that happens, you can distribute the review fora broader coverage of your app. Here you can read this blog I wrote on app marketing
Ok I checked out your blog it looks good but where can developers contact you, there is no contact button. It needs to be a place where developers can get free promotion so if you can make it so developers can email you easier.
We recently came up with a solution to promote Android apps where the users are not disturbed by annoying ads. We created DappWall to promote your app efficiently and in an affordable way. We are freelance developers too and we’ve had enough of not having the possibility to promote an application without spending hundreds and hundreds of dollars. With DappWall any of the apps can get in focus and not only the ones from the biggest developer companies.
We also created a topic here for more information.
Ok I have updated with another site that is developer friendly were you can post . If you know of any site that is developer friendly just let me know and I will add it to the list. Also if your a free review blog let us know we will add it too.