Looking for beta testrs - atractive bonus!

Hey all,

My name is Nancy and I would like to represent our company, AppGrade - powerful monetization solutions for app developers.

We developed cool ad-units, including industry standart
such as Icon Ads, Intersitials and Push Ads
and as well our proprietary ones.

We’re looking for beta testers towards our soft launch…
We are willing to pay $100 for the first 2,000 downloads + $0.09 per download

Contact us for details: [email protected]

Update 10.09.13:

If you are interested in being on of our beta testers please taker a look at this post:

You need to explain a bit more than that.

  1. What’s the payment schedule? Do you offer weekly payments?
  2. How old is your company, I am guessing new.
  3. where are you based.

A one page website is hardly trustworthy, just saying

Hello appsg,

  1. We’re paying the beta testers once a week.
  2. Our company was founded in the beginning of 2013. Our team has a reach experience in R&D, mobile technologies, monetization and advertising.
  3. We’re American company located in Israel and New York.

Regarding our website, as we mentioned we are in a beta stage and our official launch will be in Casual Connect SF. Our Website as well will be ready prior to the conference. For some confidentiality reasons we can’t upload our contents online before the launch.

I welcome you and the rest of the readers to visit us at the conference - Casual Connect SF, Bronze area booth B13 which be held 30 July - 1 August 2013.
For more details: Casual Connect USA.

If you wish to reach me out for more info feel free to call my cell ​​1-212-796-5883 or Skype me nancy.appgrade.


Do you have an approximate idea how long these rates will be available?

im just wondering why there are many Israel companies. first StartApp then MobileCore and now this one

For now, these rates are for the beta testers. We’ll publish our offiicial rates with our deployment. I can assure you that they are going to be very atractive as well.

i sent you an email, please reply

Hey Eyad, Thanks you for your email I’ve replied.

You forgot Appwiz and Pingjam

I really would try it but I am afraid of getting banned by google. currenlty my life depends on my apps and I just cant take any risk right now …

Anyway I wish your company good luck!

I sent you a request in the morning and got no answer yet. Are you guys on American or Israeli time?

Fellow devs,

Has anyone tried them and got paid?

Yes. there are some beta testers who got paid… I will ask them to post their testimonial here.

Just checked your website what is the official launch date?


I am not sure we got your email…
we just launch our new Google complaint SDK and we are looking for more beta testers… I will be happy if you join us… please contact me: [email protected]

Now we are on the second and last stage of beta… I guess we will launch officially in a week.
but I will be happy to have you as a beta tester.

i just send mail . Waiting for reply

Got your email and replay… I also see that you just opened an account :slight_smile: Great!

I did the previous beta testing however no payment for me due to the icon ads gone even thought I have some downloads in it. Really need some feedbacks from successful developers who got paid.

ubeyou, what is your user name in our system? all beta testers got paid. if from some reason you didn’t got paid I want to check it and understand why.
please send me your details (user name + email) to: [email protected]