Looking for beta testrs - atractive bonus!

Hi Guys…

The above post is 2 month old if you are interested in being one of our beta testers please take a look here:

News Flash: MOBARIO is an out-of-app monetization SDK that follows the new Google Developer’s Policy!

Hi Fellow Developers,

The new MOBARIO SDK allows Developers to make money on their current app AND On-Top of their App!!! (View our video: MOBARIO for Android Developers)

REALLY?! How does that work?! (Register Now!)

Well, since MOBARIO is an On-Top app, we allow Developers to make double the money they would until now. Developers can keep working with their preferred monetization network and MOBARIO.

Are you EXCITED yet?! There is more!!

At the end, we want your users to enjoy as well!
What does the user get out of all this:
• Enhanced mobile experience to stay connected to social networks and content
• A personalized media bar on top of any other app
• Interact effortless with friends and content, at all times
• A real Multi-Tasking experience

Try our Demo App! Get the feel!

Now about our PROMOTION!!!
MOBARIO is offering a limited time PROMOTION of $75 to developers that implement our SDK (Register Now!) for the 1st 1000 new users! (For any additional users from the USA you will earn $0.05 and from the rest of the world $0.01)

So what are you waiting for?! In less than 5 minutes you can have an additional revenue without disrupting your current one.

And if you haven’t heard already, MOBARIO follows all the new Google Developer Policies.
You can find us on Skype with our username: Mobario_Support
Or, write us an email to [email protected]

Sign up Today!

Your Dedicated MOBARIO Team

Sign-Up Now to get your Bonus TODAY!

Good grief, why do you spam every post with your advertisement!

Im so disapointed. Many of my user are complaning that there are problems with the new upgrade since I added your SDK.
I am getting reports of crashes and out of memory. I think i am leaving this sdk alone.

to me too … about 3-4 days my application do more crashes than without their SDK for 1 year

Please send me your developer ID and I will check it.
we are using Bugsense in our SDK and we dont see such crushes… but please send me your developer ID and we check it.

Send me your developer ID and we will check it.

what is going on with your sdk???

my users are now complaning on virus alerts…

this is not a beta verson, this is mybe a/b testing.

come back in 6 monts and try again.