If you would like to use another forum?

A new forum is becoming an urgent necessity. Last spam wave made 4 pages of korean spam threads!

Oh wait, the wave has not finished yet xD.

The admins should do something about the spam.

But creating another forum will only split the comminuty, which is not good.

Well, Where is admin of this forums? No moderators ?

Seriously now. Is anyone making a new forum or do I have to do it?? The spam is flooding this forum every day. David seems to not care at all.

For me the main issue is also the Spam… We cannot find useful posts flooded with tons of garbage

I recently set up a new forum to talk about Android monetization (and development), with some interesting features and ready for mobile devices. This forum was planned some time ago and now is the time to announce it to the public.

Everyone is invited to join and be part of http://monetizewithandroid.com

Good job looks really good.
