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Illegal? Maybe somebody should call imigration department? Ehh… going sleep, haven’t time for you :wink:

Hey dumba$$ I was born in US and Iam not even indian . I have videos where I speak so you can see me. Ok so your going to sleep in a garbage bag or did you upgrade to a cardboard box?

so who is taking it to the next level out of both you. do some nasty stuff. ban each other’s gplay accounts.
ramizxp, you can send million requests per second and bring Free forum : Android free games and apps down
pixelpower, you want to do something with these:
Posts by ramzixp | $50k a day Challenge
overview for ramzixp
ramzixp - Member - Poland - XDA Forums

Are bi-polar? I really recommend you visit the doctor. I’m being genuinely honest.
Why waste your time arguing with some guy on a forum, making childish insults and ruining any credibility you have.
Please tell me why I am suddenly a loser. I would love to hear you explain it to me.
I don’t care if someone called me a liar about something and also I never defended him.

So why did you make your own forum when this is how you act around people?

I just explained why your a loser defending that idiot who calls you a liar. If you not smart enough to understand that , well I feel sorry for you.

wow this thread quickly descended into internet troll heaven, but I have to say reading it was pretty entertaining.

We have a list of all the mobile networks out there (albeit don’t have data on their payout method, just pricing method as it is for UA Managers). If you’d like to check it out, it is at Thalamus.co