Android Word Quiz Game Builder (official thread)

My first try with Quickappninja. There’s a lot of image guessing games source code, but their solutions is well polished.

Got the app rejected because IP problems, sort it out by redo each images. Now its published.

Check out my app:

great idea . you are amazing , this builder makes everything easier :slight_smile:

It seems like quickappninja does not participate in this forum anymore… 5 days since I asked a question, and no reply from them here… =(

Hello! Ad revenue sharing is depends on many factors but in general it is about 20%. All income that will come from IAP is 100% yours cause you directly connects to Google Play dev account. If you don’t want to share revenue - you can use our service called - QuizStarter where you can setup all your own App IDs and show your own ads.

IAP feature activating is just one time fee.

We don’t sell source codes ;-(

Sorry for my delay in answer. I didn’t receiving emails about new messages in thread :frowning:

Anyway I’m here and will monitor this tread on regular basis.

Please reply what functions in QAN you are interested in?
What kind of functions will be helpful and saves your time?

Want to present NEW FEATURE (!):

CLONE / DUPLICATE / RESKIN your games in just 1 Click.

This allows to make TONS of quiz games with the same content but with different design & different game names!

Now you can create just 1 game, reskin it x10 times and upload them all to Google Play.
Then see what performs better and improve the winner!

Now you are one more step closer to success with quiz games!

  1. Select “Clone game” in dropdown menu - Screen Shot 2015-08-28 at 12.44.50.png ? Droplr
  2. Type names of your new games - Screen Shot 2015-08-28 at 12.46.04.png ? Droplr
  3. Reskined games are ready - Screen Shot 2015-08-28 at 12.47.19.png ? Droplr

Wow … amazing :slight_smile: but do you really believe that, games developed with aid of such an app, can mark a presence on store? In addition, all the games created with the help of your app will look similar to each another. anyways I am looking forward to invest some time in this. Ok, just have visited your website, the apps listed there are pretty good and a few of them are looking really promising. and wow, an idea has sparked in my mind too, so! guys you are going to see a great app on play store very soon, just wait for it:D

Welcome on board! :slight_smile:
Thanks for good words!

About “will look similar to each another” =>
The main core of word guessing games is CONTENT :wink:
Gamers actually doesn’t care about user interface - the game unique for them because of interesting content / niche / idea :wink:

Please look at our game builder as at tool to create interesting games that brings value to the world!
You have everything to make your game very unique:

  • change language of answers (alphabets)
  • modify UI design
  • modify sounds

Thank you for the informations!

Guys, how is going?

As you know, in the QuickAppNinja you can build quiz games like “4 pics 1 word”, “Guess the …”
But now we are thinking of extend our service and integrate more games.

=> What type of games you are interested in?
=> What you think about slots or dress up?

Thanks for your thoughts.

great idea on the clone app feature. thanks

feature request:

  • more character for question and answer
  • ability to input numbers
  • advanced customization: use alternative fonts, alternative global theme, theme color (pick one color scheme for every pages)
  • randomize level order
  • ability to input level without question
  • questions grouping (stage like grouping)

Thanks for your request! I forwarded list to our dev team.
But what about other niches? What type of games you are interested in?

Hey, just wondering how you make money?

Is there any way we can have a premium paid to use model where we keep 100% revenue including ads and in-app purchases?

Please confirm. I am bit confused with your revenue model

Looks great gonna try this one today.

We making money sharing revenue from ads. 80% revenue from ads is YOURS & 20% is ours.
In DASHBOARD you see your part of revenue.
This model force us to monetise your games with TOP PAYING ads so we are both wins!

Moreover in each game you can activate IAP module and receive revenue from selling coins. We don’t mediate this process and you receive 100% of revenue directly from Google Merchant.

If all this process is gonna be an online one or we have to download sort of an application or a software? In case if there is a requirement of a software then please inform about its price or fee etc

It is online drag-n-drop service.
Check this - quickappninja

Now in QuickAppNinja you can make RACING games => Screen Shot 2015-10-01 at 18.08.51.png ? Droplr
Using this simple template you can make a ton of unique different games that are targeted popular keywords.

=> Auto racing games
=> Moto games
=> Bicycle games
=> Skate racing
=> Longboard racing
=> Roller racing

Even using this template you can easily create SPACE THEME :wink:

It is a huge opportunity to make big money!

Hello guys! How is going?

Do you know that good looking game icon is 50% of your game success in Google Play!
That is why we created new tool in QuickApp Ninja:


Now you can create professional icons in a couple of minutes.

Here is 3 easy steps:

  1. Select icon template
  2. Upload your images
  3. Customize colours & shadows

If you already have games created in QuickApp Ninja - create new icon and upload new version to Google Play!

P.S. QuickApp Ninja is FREE Online Android game builder that allows to make games without any coding in drag-n-drop builder.
Create game, upload it to Google Play and make money from ADS & IAP.


Screen Shot on 2015-11-10 at 11_00_07.jpg
Check this screenshot: Screen Shot on 2015-11-10 at 11:00:07.png - Droplr

IMPORTANT UPDATE - generate new version of your games in QuickAppNinja right now!
We improved monetisations via ADS! Your revenue will increase!

SECOND - we removed any limits when to start showing ads.
Now you don’t need to wait 200 installs and you will start making money right from the first install!


P.S. Everything is FREE