- Integrate ads from many ad networks into all APK files (apps,games,LW)

Hi ads2livewallpaper,

I already signed up for the free account and tested one apk file with some problems. I already used your contact form and sent you a PM here.

Please reply that I can go on with my app creation.

Thanks a lot.


I answered to your PM

I have a question is the monthly amount automatic subscription or you do it manually every month?

You should extend subscription manually

Hi im selling this account for 5$ because the service simply doesnt work for my apps. PM me if your are interested i accept paypal Gyazo - c492b4a10447218cd3a8f360f18ec4a5.png

Why you doesn’t report that you have any problem? I think that all users from this forum can confirm that I resolved all their issues.
But if you still want to leave ads2apk, send to me request via contact form - . I will refund to you your money.

Service is great, I use it to integrate ads in live wallpaper splash screen. Easy and fast.

This service is awesome and saved me $200 for not having to buy the developer version of “Click Team Fusion” instead i can make games with $100 version and monetize using ads2apk.

Hey Devs,

Now you can integrate ads for FREE from :slight_smile:

Exciting news. I am even more happy because i was the one who suggested it to my account manager there :smiley:

Will be great when they get banners ready. I want to move much apps traffic there soon.

Fabulous new guys!!!

Use ads2apk for FREE when you integrate the NOTIFY SDK! See for more details on our ad units and to sign up for an account.


Great news - has now 14 ad networks available for FREE.
In exchange for free ads integration to app will be integrated extra banner ad. You can use free section permanently or just test site and subscribe to avoid limitations.

For subscribers are 21 ad networks and is no extra banner ad.

If you have any questions, please ask. :slight_smile:

Hello. I saw the news and I do not know if it is good news or not. I wonder how often you show your own banner, where, if it is an extra banner space or if it overwrites our own banners sometimes. Can you elaborate please?

Airpush 360 Ad banner so user can easily close it out.

I am sure that this is a good news. As @DroidGenie wrote I am using 360 banner from Airpush. This banner not override developer’s banner and user can close this banner. This banner is not showing each time but with delays. In my opinion is fair - developer use service for free and in exchange in app is a banner.
Developer can test ads integration without spending subscription coins and/or use for publishing on stores. To avoid this banner you can subscribe service.

Available free ad networks:
Appodeal, AdColony, Amazon, AppFlood, AppNext, Chartboost, Hummermobi, LeadBolt, MobileCore, Mobvista, Notifymob, RevMob, StartApp, Vungle

Yup. It sure is fair. Just wanted to know the banner timings because it could affect our own ads and we should probably add less ads of our own so we wont annoy the users, if you show the 360 often.

In Airpush settings banner 360 has all delay to 120sec, also I am starting banner ad every 30sec if user not interact with this banner. If user close banner I will wait 60sec before try to add and if user clicks the banner I will wait 4min before next try to show. My Delays works on activity start, so for example if user only saw banner on Activity A and start Activity B he will not see my banner on Activity B (no matter how long he will be on this Activity), because show delay < 30sec.
This solution shouldn’t be intrusive.

Seems good. Thank you for your clarification!

I am glad that you like my service :slight_smile:

Is that the full list of networks you are integrated with?