Admob Payment

My company is getting payment from admob from past 6 months. But this kind of delay never happened in 6 month. I never thought that this type of issue may come.
Now, I am running out of money to pay my small developer’s team.
I logged my issue on the below link also. They replied " We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and are working to
expedite payment as soon as possible. I appreciate your patience and
cooperation, have a good day!"

Still no payment…

No Payment!!

No Payment

No payment… :’(

Still no payment. I am tried of waiting for my payment…

Me neither…guess we provide free services now.

Still waiting for PayPal’s email… Nothing yet… It really feels bad to not be sure if am getting my first payment or not…

Had a really obnoxious e-mail off them:

Dear XXX:

Please note that the email you received at the start of the month was
merely notification that you have been selected for payment and that we
have begun our payment process. This process can typically takes 2 weeks
to complete.

This being said we are currently experiencing issues with PayPal causing a
delay in payment processing.

We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and are working to
expedite payment as soon as possible. I appreciate your patience and
cooperation, have a good day!

AdMob Payments Support Team

I think I fucking know that it takes two weeks. It’s been longer than that and they have some strange problem with Paypal that they can’t sort out day after day.
Pretty pathetic considering they are the market leader and they are making a killing off interest on our money for every day that passes.

and in google checkout they have changed the payment dates to the 15th, well first half and the second half don’t know when. I will have a lot of fun preparing taxes specially when their reports don’t appear until well into the month

The change to Google Checkout payments made preparing taxes very hard for me too. I was pissed off by it. I don’t mind getting paid 10 days later but because the reports are also late I have to get the data for my accountant from each day’s closedOrders reports which is boring as hell and I’m never sure if it will be accurate. And the estimated reports are worthless.

Still no payment what`s up guys?

Still no payment. This is getting annoying now… I don’t understand what the problem with Paypal can be - there appear to be no other reports of issues with Paypal so it must be on the Admob side.

What I don’t get is why there is no proper communication from Admob. They are supposed to be a world class company and are effectively in the business of communication and yet the Admob Google Group thread regarding this issue is clearly being censored (currently 27 posts, yet only 4 visible) and there is no post from them on their Google+ page. Much of the annoyance of people on here and elsewhere is down to this lack of communication… instead of censoring posts from people who are rightfully angry that they have not received payment why can’t they simply put a post on there stating “The issues we are experiencing with Paypal are x, y and z” and “we are taking these steps to resolve the situation” and “we hope to have this resolved so that you receive your payments in the next x hours/days”.

If they took this simple step, they wouldn’t have to send the response as they have to A1ka1ne and others thanking us for our patience and cooperation and wishing us a good day. Well Admob, my patience is being stretched and I’d be having a much better day if you actually managed to pay me as promised!

  1. make a facebook “fan” page to make this issue public - F is not great friends with G I believe so they would not censor it at all.
  2. put some house ads to get this visible to broad audience - with many publishers being impacted you should be able to get the right “momentum”
  3. when you have thousands people liking, sharing and commenting - this issue will surely get premium priority on G end :slight_smile:

btw. I am on wire transfer [got it timely few days back] and highly dependent on the continuous flow of money every month so I understand the pain. Also - the standard “talking with G is like talking with a wall” situation is not helping. Hope this will get sorted out fast.

Still no payment.
As much as I know that would do good @belunch, it just isn’t worth the extra effort on all our parts considering they will have to pay us sooner or later.
The big problem is they can do this to all of us (and that is a seriously large amount of developers) and we have to just deal with it :confused: They have us by the balls with their T&Cs that we have all agreed to and they know that. The shit we have to agree to (and that’s with every ad network) is ridiculous and there isn’t much we can do about it.

Still no payment. Every hour I am checking my paypal account for payments. I am tired of this.
They should atleast inform how much delay will be there ??
Anybody knows, in how many days we will get our payments.

After App removal and now no payment. If still cant get it in next 2 days, then developers have to wait till next Monday which is 25th March. Good job Google Admob!

Hey TT, How you know we have to wait till 25th? I’ve already run out of patience!

He means that if we don’t get paid today or tomorrow then we have to wait for the weekend to pass. By then it will be the 25th.

Estimado editor:

Efectivamente hemos detectado un retraso en los pagos a través de Paypal. No te preocupes, tu pago está seguro.

Te pedimos disculpas por cualquier inconveniencia que este retraso pueda causarte, nuestro equipo técnico está trabajando activamente para resolverlo cuanto antes. Muchas gracias por tu paciencia.

El equipo de Google AdMob

In short, they are working for resolve it as soon as possible… :rolleyes: