Admob revenue FEB awful

same here

same here down again

Lol yup, same for me…But honestly, the last time revenue dropped for me, when it finally did start to come back it happened it stutters and spurts like this so I’m somewhat optimistic.

Yes, I am fairly certain that advertisers do not put as much money into their campaigns for the 1st and 2nd quarters of the year, and as we approach summer and the holidays ecpms generally improve.

You can make some decent revenue with App-Brain

revenue are awful since the beginning of the year. Hoppefully Spring and summer will be better :slight_smile:

I left them to app brain some time ago

just for info.
we all wait for weekened revenue.

this saturday is absolute shit and sunday is going towards serious shit.

25% drop in saturday revenue. :(:(:(:frowning:

April is worst than March, and March was worst then Feb. I notice how the longer my apps serve ads the smaller the eCPM gets. I think that Google’s system measures the conversion rate of one’s app and determines whether it should be high or low. Im down at least 50% of my earnings with Admod and StartApp since MArch.

Wow that’s sad, hopefully things will change soon.

No motivation to make new apps at these income levels. Each month has been worse then the previous this year. Hopefully the “good times” haven’t passed and this isn’t the new normal.

This is the new normal, there are too many apps, this is driving down the price for advertisers. Its a buyers market, people that know real estate will understand this

True, its strange how it just happened all at once though, it was like a switch was turned on the first of the year.

It was a combination of so many things, app discovery algorithms changed, users understand what ads are now and avoid them, advertisers realize they can run low cpc and cpa campaigns. Its like a perfect storm. You think you are freaking out, imagine ad companies, they are making less in millions and many got large infusion of investor capital this past year and the model is contracting. This includes admob which is big part of the reason they are rolling out the {unfair} sponsored search results.

No motivation here either. To spend large amounts of time on an app that earns 25c a day isn’t going to do it. I’ve written multiple apps to try and make up the lagging funds but its like chasing a ghost. Every week it just gets worse and worse. All since the beginning of the year.

My monthly income is now less than 1/3 of what it was last year… time to get a ‘real’ job soon … at least companies are now paying big $$$ for experienced Android developers.

mine is improving now and has come back to normal $150-$160 per day :D:D:D

3 apps are in pipeline.

Has anyone else noticed an improvement? We’ve noticed a slight improvement in RPM, but overall impressions are not good, and numbers are down.

Didn’t your app get featured like 2 years ago? I remember your ad revenue was awesome but your server costs were pretty high too. Are server costs the deal breaker here? I.e. if your app had 0 server costs would your monthly income exceed that of getting a ‘real’ job?

Answering your questions in order:

  1. Yes
  2. Server code has been refactored and is much more efficient and costs about 1/4 of what it was.
  3. Not any more :frowning: