Admob revenue FEB awful

Just to point out a lot of developers overlooked the server cost. They tend to focus on ad income,paid sales versus development cost. But server cost is a recurring expense which we need to factor in to really calculate our profits. Server cost in terms of usage sounds fair but there are cost that is fixed amount every month/year. Then you have to contend with development cost at the server end too. When your server hosting contract ends, should you say move from one server to another server with different companies? Then you need to do your calculations all over again. This is way too much for a solo indie developer to handle on top of your own Android app development.

Unless you add partners in or you do this full-time else I do not see how a solo developer can do it all. Maybe there are but if you are married with kids and family, your time will be taken off to handle those affairs.

So a work-around is to build apps such that it does not need to contact servers. This require some thinking as nowadays most apps interface with server to get or post updated data etc.

I think if you are a solo developer, or a small group of developers, creating an app that needs its own server is very ambitious. Why not focus on the many, many apps you can make without your own server. What are you using the server for, multiplayer? data syncing? Does Google Play Games not offer a lot of this functionality for free these days?

I have many apps and I’ve never used my own server nor incurred any app costs other than the hardware/software I need to actually develop.

For myself I would prefer using what Google are offering because it’s very easy to scale when having large number of users.

I haven’t worked with Google play games since I am only developing apps.
But it seems like a good platform.


Try Facebook Audience network. Its giving very high eCPMs

I see a valid user case where a server is needed. Suppose the user has multiple devices. He use your app on device A. Then he uses device B but he want to see the data he saved in device A to appear in device B. So this workflow calls for a server as intermediary. Of course you can say use bluetooth transfer between device A and B but what if you are outside of your house where device A is not with you. You are holding device B and you want to use the app with the latest data you saved in device A which you left at home.

Google Play games already offers this functionality for free:

Even if it didn’t I doubt the server setup and running costs would ever pay for itself by increased revenue due to extra user satisfaction