Admob CTR and eCPM is way down for last 2 days

this is the end of admob ?


Impr: 29.264
Clics: 10
Ctr: 0,03%

yep, pretty sure its the end of Admob.

On the flipside, great for advertisers, accidental clicks were out of control

If this is true i really can’t understand last Google movements. They are changing conditions without previous warning and seriously damaging the whole industry. Winter is coming guys…

I’m also seeing a drop of 50-75 % in CTR. Didn’t know what it was until I saw this topic.

Maybe AdBuddiz is a good alternative to Chartboost? Anyone knows how they compare to Chartboost?

But now that there aren’t almost anymore accidental clicks, maybe advertisers are willing to pay more money per click and the ecpm will eventually grow back tot the rates we had before this change, or doesn’t it work that way?

Chartboost eCPM also not good recently.
I have move all ads to Admob .
But it happen this case :mad:
this is really disaster for us , but I think this is also for google admob revenue .
So , maybe wait to check admob how to deal with this or find another good ad service …

Yes ,admob got us good …happy holidays from Google…:frowning:

No, it is not working this way. If an advertiser has to pay for an accidental click it’s always bad for him, because the one who clicked on it wasn’t interested in the product.
Chartboost has recovered btw. We are having the ususal ecpm of $3-5 since a few days.

12 dec ecpm was better then 11
13 dec ecpm - 70% of 12 ecpm

My CTR on interstitials is similar.
However my CTR on banners (in app which most impressions) fell in 13 from 0.15 to 0.07 - lowest level since 1st november.

So in my case i have lower CTR on banners. But doubleclick banners are for long time.

So maybe there is some glitch on stats? Or simply ad inventory lacks good ads - maybe everyone is preparing for christmas and will publish there ads in couple of days?


I’ve checked banner stats per ad type, i’ve noticed large drop for two type of ads:

  • image - 0.12 to 0.03
  • and animated image - 0.19 to 0.09

and what is their payment? I remember that there was a reason that I didn’t use it.

Seems like no more admob

They pay net30. We use them since 3 years already, you could say from the very beginning. You probably didn’t use them, because you faced a low ecpm. There are always a lot of crappy ads you need to filter out every month or 2 weeks, but it’s absolutely worth the time.

me too, CTR of my admob banner drop 50% from ~2% to 0.9% :expressionless: loss a half of money, :frowning:

don’t be sad . Most people the same with you :frowning:

same thing with me. google please don’t hurt me

It looks like for my apps CTR decreased from 3.1% to 2.8%, but this can be some fluctuations. Need to see how this will go week later. Will give you feedback.

People, you should definitely read this: Inside AdMob: Official AdMob video: implement interstitial ads in the right way to earn more revenue
Posted on december 8 on Admob official blog.

However, with poor interstitial ad implementations, it’s possible to see an increase in accidental clicks. This happens most often when users are not expecting an interstitial ad to appear on the screen (for example, in the middle of a game or on an exit screen). Sometimes we see poor implementations leading us to refund advertisers and disable ad serving until the issue is fixed.

I think I, and all people that are having troubles with interstitial, are in the situation where google is DISABLING ads for your app. I think it’s not a coincidence if google had made this post on December 8… and few days later we see a drop in revenues.
It’s TRUE that my interstitial is not placed as best practice, that is, not placed at stopping point.
First thing I will do is change the implementation of interstitial ad and move it to a stopping point . Reevaluate situation, and if things don’t improve, I will dump admob.

not only fullscreen , include banner type , they also need to double click ads.
and the second click icon very small .
It also effect user to click it.

and the button says “download”, but what if user wants to just have a look, but not download? Then what is the difference between admob CPC and CPI? Of course, it redirects to google play, but only we - developers know that, there are all types of users.

Today I got 2 stars in one app, saying “it only works in android”. Anyway, this new feature totally sucks

AFAIR banners already had two clicks for some banners (like games for google play with download arrow).

Can someone check if something happened to image / animated image banners now? How they work now?

Rich media and text ads are unaffected. And i really doubt i had so many incidential clicks. What i suspect is that people now have problems clicks those types of add. Or scaried by something?

The most important question:

What happens when someone clicks those types of ads now?

clicks will be more valuable and that is good for us, advertisers.
So the cpc will definitely will go up and ecpm will also rise!