When exactly does the new policy takes effect?

I need to know if i should unpublish apps i didn’t update by now…

Deadline is 22nd. Specific time depends on what Google is using. (possibly UTC, so that’s 28 hours left)

I created a countdown for it. From the date I received the google policy email plus 30 days.


I guess It had just started.

Why do you think it started already? I think we have some hours left till deadline

Because some spam apps that I watch deleted.

Guys, how Google knows if the app is sending Push Notifications? Is it because they read your apk file OR is it because the users report your app as it’s sending the push notifications? Because I’m not sure if a simple regular user is aware of this new policy, so he might be ok with receiving push notifications further.

And what if we just stop(Disable) the Push notifications and Icon ads from our dashboard(AirPush) ? Can this be enough to avoid the banning?

Please let me know what you think. Thanks :slight_smile:

Well Google is due to bring out the BAN-HAMMER any time now. AppBrain keeps an eye on that stuff: Number of available Android applications - AppBrain

Who knows how Google detects apps for these mass-bans, but rest assured, we are going to see a surge of bans very soon.

I don’t think users will be complaining about violations for a while to come, since the vast majority of users are totally unaware that Google just updated their policy. Only hardcore users will be in touch with stuff like that.

Don’t assume users are completely ignorant to Google Play policies. There’s even a a subreddit ( [b][u]BadApps[/u][/b] ) where users identify and mass-report apps that are in violation of the policy. Apps that get posted there generally get hit by the banhammer in less than a day.

If the policy started on Aug 23, it should only end of Sept 22. Google follows PST (Pacific standard time). This means there are still over 15 hours left.
@ubeyou, your timer is wrong. It shows only 3 hrs left when there are over 15 hours left.

hmm, Thanks for correcting. I just added 30 days to the time I received the google email.

New Countdown: