What is with mp3 downloaders? Google strikes them down...

Even if they are legal, for example jamendo… but people have 5-10mln 10-50mln downloaders in store and they are also using jamendo or soundcloud for play only. When I made jamendo, got strike easily after 15 days;/ for… copyright. Any idea how they do that and nobody cares their apps?

I remember the days those apps were available and every now and then they shut one down but others appeared.

Using Jamendo in commercial project is against their ToS as I’ve already explained here: http://forums.makingmoneywithandroid.com/buy-sell/33011-beautifull-mp3-downloader.html

It’s not this case, try to look for “jamendo” in Google Play, there are a lot of apps with ads and jamendo. Ofcourse, showing ads near creative common content is prohibited but I can for example on app menu

No, you cannot. Here’s relevant quote from Jamendo ToS:

The API may be used freely for non-commercial uses. For any other type of use including but not limited to commercial uses please contact our sales team at [email protected] who will be able to provide you with a quote adapted to your project. Commercial use shall be understood as any use that is intended for or directed toward commercial advantage or any monetary compensation, including any revenue arising from affiliation programs or advertising.

It really doesn’t matter where you’re showing ads, your application is still deemed commercial and hence you cannot use Jamendo API (and abusing this policy is copyright violation).

Maybe you have right and these downloaders in market are just illegal. I want to ask you, do you have any info about youtube players vs advertisement?
I know, we can:
-display ad in app menu
-display native ad on search list

but can we display ads after or before playback? I want to try with youtube but it’s very dangerous like steps on ice :slight_smile:

dont show copyrighted songs in screenshots, show old shit like bethoven, etc

Basically all of content providers has restriction on commercial usage (including ones that are often said to be free like Jamendo or Soundcloud) and YouTube is no different. Surprisingly though YouTube ToS is actually really permissive: you can charge for application that uses YT, however advertising is a bit more tricky as YT specifically prohibits ads in clients (that’s include pages/activities other than video playback) lacking it’s own content.

So you can create application searching for and playing ‘Famous cats videos’ and you can charge for it, but you cannot use ads for monetization (because there is no other content) on the other hand you could create, say, cookbook app which uses some random videos (ie. not uploaded by you) and monetize it with ads, however in later scenario you might infringe on creator (ie. uploader) rights which can still effect in suspension.

I need just fast change my mp3 downloader what is illegal now :smiley: I got 600 downloads a day and want to go legal to not loose it. Seriously, I don’t know what content provider should I use.

not possible anymore give up