Welcome to Grand Battle 6.1.0

Hi, there. Grand Battle has been updated to version 6.0.1. New fantastic battles have begun. Commander, GB group are always striving for your better gaming experiencing. Enjoy yourself!

New Stuff in V6.1.0:

  1. Add Generals Skills upgrade and new skills system: Skill books equip your generals as skillful as ever.
  2. Add Defense Accessory System: make your Motar tower and Turret as advanced as you can! Go to get Accessory in Blessing and Alliance Welfare!
  3. Optimize Alliance system: Dismiss alliance; add various reward items in Alliance Welfare Boxes; optimized alliance chat box with easier chatting with others, etc.
  4. Blessing events: Add new rewards under the time-limited activity “Blessing icon”
  5. Add defense activity discount gift package.xd
  6. Fix bugs and optimize gameplay.

Grand Battle free download on Googleplay: http://goo.gl/qsKb3t
Grand Battle website: Grand Battle
Our Website: http://www.mangolee.com

Commander, here is the awesome news. Grand Battle has achieved three servers now. We already have Normandy and Bulge, but they are not enough with an increasing number of game lovers becoming GB commanders. Now Sicily is offering its service, which means big GB family have get their third house, so which house are you in?
By the way, the latest version 6.1.1 is released following closely with the V6.1.0, and solves the problem of game freezing during attacks!! Do not forget to update.
Commander, cheers for Sicily and the upcoming fourth, fifth… Servers.

Grand Battle free download on Googleplay:
Would you like to know more about Grand Battle? Please follow us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Grand-Battle-English/182311791908251
Grand Battle latest version for direct apk download: http://www.mangolee.com/apks/GrandBattle_EN.apk

There comes the weekend. GB Commander, try your best to protect your base and destroy your enemies! Grand Battle brings you a cheerful weekend!!!

Grand Battle free download on Googleplay:
Would you like to know more about Grand Battle? Please follow us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Grand-Battle-English/182311791908251

Really a great game,you won’t be disappointed.