Weird Google Play search results

I was searching for some apps on google play on my PC and I noticed something weird. Few apps had one name in search results, and completely other when I open it. Also the icon is different in search results and other when I open it. Can someone explain me this and how it’s done??

Can be easily done but what advantage do you see? I see only confusion for user.

can you show some examples. May be it was a glitch on Google play.

You mean it’s different on the Google Play page or on your device when you install it? The second thing is easy of course, the first one I have never noticed.

play store web page details are picked from dev console
play store app details are picked up from ic_launcher and android manifest

Hope that helps you.

Yeah. Icon on GP is not the same as in the app - these are 2 separates images. The same is with title of the app

How? I see some advantages…sometimes I have 2 good images for the main icons and I can’t decide which one to use, and this way I can use both.

You mean it’s different on the Google Play page or on your device when you install it? The second thing is easy of course, the first one I have never noticed.

No. I was browsing on my PC, on Google Play webpage. I searched for something and in results I see one icon, and when I click and open that app to see some details I see different icon. In some cases even different name.

Yeah. Icon on GP is not the same as in the app - these are 2 separates images. The same is with title of the app

I know that. But this is both on google play webpage, I didn’t install the app at all.

Maybe browser cache issue? Or some temporary Google Play problem?

Well people here say that it can be done, so I don’t think it’s a glitch.

The high res icon (512x512px) that you upload in dev. console is shown on the app detail page.
The icon from within the manifest is show on search results page.

Do verify this and try to do exactly the same with your app.

this is definately not true

my 512*512 icon is always diplayed on search results pages as well as the main app page