Weekly GiveAway: App/Game Source Code

Hi Friends,

I have a hell lot of source codes I could not focus on to make an app, due to various reasons.
I thought to make them public so that the GeekMinds can innovate them into new stuff.
From Apr I have started giveaway of source codes on my blog codejacks dot com.

This weeks Free GiveAway is : FlappyBIRD source code.

Kindly note that the source codes I give away are.

  1. May be my own or from some purchased collection.
  2. May be in appstore or not available anywhere.
  3. May be complete or halfwork pending. (Like adding leaderboards,adnetworks,scores, share , saves ).

Note : I apologize if this is the wrong category to post this thread, if found not suitable pls remove/move it elsewhere.