Yes our model is compliant. We used to be out-of-app, and decided that we are taking our business, in-app.
Our advertisement are original banners of the advertisers and are all Compliant.
Our $0.1 rate is for USA. And to be more exact, we pay $0.05-$0.10 for USA depending on the amount of installs you have from USA. This is unlimited! Highest paying on the market!
For the other countries, we pay (also the highest on the market) $0.01 per install.
I am here to answer any other questions/concerns you may have.
Never used them, but it look interesting solution.
I am developing apps in the last 2 years and every ad network I worked with got banned, TapContext, MiniMob, startApp, AirPush - but they fixed their SDK At least till now so maybe the Mobario_Man fixed it also