Urban App Competition: 5k prize + int'l press coverage

Hi everyone!

I am (co)running an international app competition (AppMyCity! - mobile apps make good cities great).

Would anyone here like to apply/know anyone they think should apply/inform me where I could best find more great app developers?

Here is a quick outline of the competition:

The 10 best apps will be passed on to a panel of 10 international judges (incl venture capitalists, angel investors, tech journalists etc) and are likely to be covered by our media partner Guardian Cities. 

The 3 selected apps will be invited to do a presentation at the New Cities Summit ([New Cities Summit 2014 - Re-Imagining Cities | 17-19 June 2014 | Dallas, Texas](http://www.newcitiessummit2014.org)) in Dallas, Texas June 17-19. This event brings together over 800 world leading urban decision makers (including CEO's, mayors, venture capitalists, and academics) as well as over 100 journalists, meaning you will get a LOT of visibility. We pay for your flights and hotel. 

Audience at the summit does a live vote, and the winner gets a $5000 cash prize.

Who can apply?

Any app that fulfils the following three requirements:

Be Urban - With a broad focus on improving cities an/or life in cities. 

Be Mobile - Available on iOS, Android, Windows Phone, or Web-based mobile apps

Be New - Launched AFTER January 1st 2013, and available to the public BEFORE May 5th 2014 (Apps with heavy updates and/or major changes after the January 1st are also eligible)

You can apply via our website (Apply! - AppMyCity! 2014 - mobile apps make good cities great), applications close April 18
- the submission form is really short and easy to fill in.
It would be great to have as many people applying, and I honestly think it is a really awesome opportunity for budding app developers.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me (here or via the website). We’ve also created an FAQ page.

Hi everyone,

Just a quick reminder that the deadline for applications is this Friday, April 18.

We have released both the AppMyCity! judge panel http://www.appmycity.org/about/judging-panel , and the list of this year’s speakers http://www.newcitiessummit2014.org/speakers-list/.

Last chance to apply/let your friends know!