Tips to Market Your Amdroid App

Hello everyone, sharing some information about how ti promote or market your app. This is specific for Android, but also use ful for iOS.

Make a video

Videos are the ideal way to show people how better your app is. Browsing through the App Store and looking at the 4 screen grabs that all developers tend to provide by default is a pretty tame way to decide if an app is worth downloading. Angry Birds doesn’t even look that fun in the examples, but millions of people find it a blast to play! The video doesn’t need to be anything overly, just setup your digital camera and record yourself using your app.


Twitter can give you a straight connection to the people in your target industry. So, make a Twitter account for your app, find the movers and shakers in your industry, and try to create a connection. If you are going after a contact that runs an app review site, keep in mind that those people tend to receive numbers of emails every day from other app developers, so sending a short and simple personal tweet can be a great way to get noticed.

Create a Blog or Web for Your App

Website is a good way to introduce your app. Blogger, Tumblr, and Posterous all give you a place to host a free website and you will be able to supply this link to everyone if they want more info about your app. Templates and Landing Pages for your apps. Put the website URL in the App Store description, in the signature of all your emails, etc. Put social buttons like Stumble Upon, Digg, Facebook Share, and ReTweet all on your website so that people can tell their friends and community about your app. You should try to update the blog portion of your website often.

Guest Posts

Lots of blogs welcome guest posts. This is a great way to let you write your own review, but be careful here. They won’t let you write a fluffy puffy piece about how your new fart app is going to “change the world!” You’ll likely have to write a real post about something of value, and they’ll let you put a link to your app or website in the credits. This is still awesome, because any link pointing to your website is good SEO, so you’ll wind up with more traffic, more credibility, and all of that will equal more downloads. Here are a couple blogs that like having guest writers.

Banner / Ads
Bring your phone loaded with your app on the streets and ask people to try it out. Get some honest feedback. You’ll get advice from a non-biased person (your mom is biased, trust me!), and you’ll also be spreading the word about your app. Odds are, they’ll go home and tell their friends about how they got stopped on the street on their way to lunch and were asked to play an Android game called “XYZ” and how fun it was.

Friends on Facebook
Tell your friends. Tell everyone. Be shameless! Post it on your wall, post it on your friend’s walls. Post your app video on Facebook too. Things can spread like wildfire on Facebook, so don’t be shy! Your mom and little sister are on Facebook too, right? So get them to post it for their friends to see.