The 100k club started

Do you find that even with a “success” app - that it is a struggle (albeit perhaps longer-winded one) - i.e. you remain “in the news” (or rankings in this case) - but there is a very slow and steady attrition from new competitors, and changes to Google algorithm (perhaps at times maybe emphasizing newer apps ?).

Or is there a self-perpetuating aspect to it - i.e. once are in the top (for certain keywords or category - I guess esp. if it is niche would be more stable as fewer competitors to arise exactly in that category) - then there is less to worry about.

Or is the fear of sliding down in rankings an ever present thing - even with “success” for an app ?

hey congrats !
anybody can show me how to do half or a quarter this daily ? kind of apps and ad networks :slight_smile:
i’ve tried informational apps with admob, but no sense, few cents daily !!! driving me mad
really need help guys :confused:

Hey just wanted to know… Is this thread about people making $100k ? or 100k downloads?

If it’s $100k in how long did it take and I’m pretty impressed


Some people surpassed that figure a long time ago, others quite recently. Obviously it varies depending on your niche/time developing/skills etc etc.

Well… the 100k club was something I joked about in response to comments in the 10k club… which was actually the “I am owed 10k by a single ad company” … easy to do with net90 and 3k income per month :slight_smile:


But maybe we should start a 100k club that is actually the “I earned USD 100k in a single month” club ?

That would be a nice goal to aim for! :slight_smile: Still so far away though… And I’m not sure people in such club would be willing to participate in public forum bragging about their revenue. :slight_smile:

whats the point of this penis measuring contest?

For example it shows what is posibble to achieve. And people often hint at how they did it (which types of apps, what methods of monetization etc.).

Yeah, but @toxic is correct. It is just a dick measuring contest until someone posts a repeatable pattern that can be used to duplicate the success at will :frowning:

How and Why You will lose account if you make more apps?

I’m also stuck far from 100k. Lost a lot of time doing a larger game that was a bust (but fun to do) and trying to reincarnate my old hit (that is losing downloads). Next year I plan to concentrate on new smaller high-quality games and porting to iOS. Having at least 30% of the revenue from iOS would make me feel safe.

@Magnesus: which game and why do you think it was a failure ? What did you learn ? Maybe make it a new thread though ?

I’ve send you in a PM. I’ll consider making a thread later, when I will have better version (more levels, better optimised) to have a discusion how to go revitilise it.

I am stuck pretty far from 100k as well. One of my friends just made 100k in a few months with his game “Construction City”. Very popular. Blew up over night.

We know about Construction City. Amazing success.

It is indeed successful, however I feel it could be MUCH better, with ARPI (average revenue per install) of 0.053$ and knowing what kind of rates big games can expect with In app purchases, show how much possible income was actually wasted. But having this experience, sequel will be better and utilizing better monetization strategies.

Yeah… apparently, ARPDAU can be as high as $0.12 if IAP are done well … you read that correctly… REVENUE PER USER PER DAY !!!

That is just insane revenue : )

I am averaging ARPDAU of $0.03 from all the traffic with an app, not a game. on android, with 50% USA user base. Is that good?

and its been like this for the past 3 months, not just december

How can i calculate ARPDAU?
@Magnesus how are you doing on ios? any success?