StartApp Splash vs Interstitial Ads. Splash eCPM Rocks :D

Whenever StartApp introduce new add types the new ad types has very high eCPM however old become low and low with time. Why?
These days SKD downloads rate is very very low than previous.

Following is the Screenshot.

Any comments from you people on this?

@emmastacey, to use inAppPlusSDK we have to use Slider/Interstitial and splash ad. My question is: is exit ad accepted is interstitial? Thanks in advance

it’s seem startapp is pushing revenue to splash and slider

Yes. I mean that. What other people think.

Using the splash ad unit is the same as placing an interstitial on app launch… it’s not the company who is driving money to a particular ad unit, it’s the ad placement. The unit that gets more user interaction will make more revenue

Well the Splash ad is actually very smooth and transitions nicely, so it is partly down to the StartApp here.


Yes of course, but I personally don’t like their splash screen (looks low-res) so I basically implement my own and show a regular interstitial afterwards achieving similar results :slight_smile:

You get PPD for StartApp splash till 31 July of course other two ad units also need to be integrated

I m testing the new sdk with splash but my ecpm is 0. I m trying resolve this with support but they didnt fix this.


85.23 / 21.721 = 3.92$ (eCPM)
1.18 / 0.749 = 1.57$ (eCPM)
23.48 / 23.511 = 0.99$
19.33 / 65.277 = 0.29$

Or, you can just multiple 21.721 * 4.65$ = 101$. So, that is not real numbers
@javaexp, have you calculated yours? Are they correct?

Ooh Letme me check. There is still this problem. Letme create a support ticket.

Thanks for highlight of the issue.

I have try to investigate the problem and found that individual calculations of Splash, Interstitial and Banner ads are wrong. However cumulative calculation seems correct.

I have created a ticket in support. Lets wait what they say.

To me its seems that they are not paying SDK Downloads in actual. They are just paying stolen amount of Splash, Interstitial and Banner ads as SDK Downloads if you make some calculations on Splash, Interstitial and Banner ads eCPM and earnings. you will see it.

That’s true, if you multiple what is on the top, you get the correct result. But we are somehow manipulated, as we see better results below. In my opinion, SDK downloads and other ad units revenue should not be mixed. I opened a ticket and got an answer, but I am not satisfied with it, here it is:

“Revenue earned from the downloads is factored into the calculations for eCPM. This is done because Downloads are considered as prepayment for future impressions. When you calculate ecpm and factor in the earnings from downloads, you will see that the calculations come out correct”

According to my calculation I think they are not paying earnings from downloads at all. If Following Image. If I correct all my Earnings of of Splash, Interstitial and Banner ads then They are just paying $0.12 for my download instead of $8.26. Strange. I am shocked. :mad:

Did you read when they can pay you PPD? User has to have your app at least 30 days. That’s why they didn’t count you all earning from SDK downloads

not users, but YOU have to keep that SDK within your app in playstore for at least 30 days. Users can delete whenever they want

Oh, sorry for misunderstanding. You have right. Maybe that was the reason that they didn’t pay her

it is not just her, I have the same problem. I opened a ticket, and this was their answer:

“Revenue earned from the downloads is factored into the calculations for eCPM. This is done because Downloads are considered as prepayment for future impressions. When you calculate ecpm and factor in the earnings from downloads, you will see that the calculations come out correct”

And I think everyone using PPD model have the same problem.

they are showing $8.26 next to SDK downloads. If I am not eligible then why they show this? I think after update of google policies no one can give ppd.