[Review + Rating Exchange + G+] Toddler Ninja Runner

Please Rate, Review and G+ my new Free Toddler Ninja Runner Game - I will return you same things for your apps:


Please use “Toddler Ninja Runner” in your review + type your reviewers name and the link to your app in reply.

I will keep your app on my device as long as you will keep my :slight_smile:

Before placing link to your app for review please make sure that it has not been reviewed earlier on behalf Snowboard Fan name.
If your app has been already reviewed from Snowboard Fan name please provide a link to your another app to avoid repeat reviews!
Thank you!

Please Rate, Review and G+ my new Free App - I will return you same things for your apps:


Done as Snowboard Fan
Don’t forget to do the same for me!
Thanks and GLWS! :slight_smile:

I gave you 5* g+ and comment from Alex Wilhelm. Would you help me review and do the same with my below app, please keep install in your device at least two day for approving the review?

My app: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=pomcoong.beautiful.photo.frame.collage

Thank you very much!

Hi done as raavi Swami 5*,installed,rated and reviewed G+

plz do same for mine


I have reviewed and add G+ with your game. Please do the same with my game: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.fugostudio.games.candyzombie

I already have done review for your Candy Zombie game as Snowboard Fan.
Please provide the link to your another app to avoid repeat :slight_smile:

I already have done review for your Beautiful Photo Frame Collage app as Snowboard Fan.
Please provide the link to your another app to avoid repeat :slight_smile:

Done as Snowboard Fan
Thanks and GLWS! :slight_smile:

Please review my another game: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.fugostudio.games.animedressup

Done as Snowboard Fan
Thanks and GLWS! :slight_smile:

Hey. Rated, reviewed and G+ your app with the name “Dipesh Ramnani”.
Please do the same for my game:

I already have done review for your What The Tap app as Snowboard Fan.
Please provide the link to your another app to avoid repeat :slight_smile:

Done as Jonny Smith
Will keep your game on my phone :slight_smile:
Here my link
Thank you :slight_smile:

Done as Snowboard Fan
Thanks ans GLWS! :slight_smile:

voted and pm sent.

Now waiting for your vote :slight_smile:

Done. User Name: Barisintepe.

Done as Snowboard Fan
Thanks and GLWS! :slight_smile:

Hello romet

Reviewed, Rated with 5 Stars , and G+ it =) (ill keep the game on my smartphone for a week)

I would appreciate it if you do the same, here is the link:


Hi I have reviewed your game and add G+ under name “Lien Dao”. Please do the same with my game: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.fugostudio.games.dolldressup
Many thanks