Revenue 0$ at AppoDeal

Some developers DO nOt understand the CPI model.
That is common in this forum…

Some of them compare 1000 impressions from admob and 1000 impressions with other CPI network…

Thats good. Is it the same thing with Chartboost?

Yes, the thing is it doesnt matter how much impressions you are sending to them, they will only pay after the app they are advertising is downloaded by the user. But i suppose they should payout for that 30 second clip too.

Appodeal Unity Ads working with me. Today i got 24ECPM

I have never had any issues with the eCPM. Always above 7$

Very good experience with Appodeal. Highest eCPM we’ve ever had.


No more to say :slight_smile:

Appodeal is located in Miami, USA and Pavel is connected with Stanford University which never works together with amateurs.

So I don’t believe Appodeal is scamming anyone guys xD

AppoDeal seem to be doing shady things with Fake Accounts.

I used to live in Miami for a while, but not anymore.

Appodeal is headquartered in San Francisco, CA.
Our address is 620 Folsom st Suite 100, San Francisco, CA 94105.
Feel free to come by if you are in the city. Will be glad to show you around.

Me and Johnpaul are only 2 official representatives of Appodeal here, on MMWA.
Appodeal has nothing to do with any other posts.

Some users get excited about their performance, but we never ever use fake accounts, because it would hurt our brand.
We are committed to establish a strong, trustworthy brand. That’s why we are being transparent with our users and never post fake reviews on behalf of other users.

Pavel, are there plans to provide an AdMob adapter for banners? Currently banners seem be to implemented in a non-standard way. So I think I can’t write my own adapter.