Rate, review and G+ trade time!

Hey guys, I just released a new app and would appreciate some help getting it rated, reviewed and G+. My app is here:


Please leave installed for a while if possible. I will leave all apps installed for a few weeks.

Let me know if you do this and what app you want done!

Cheers for all your help as always guys!!


I installed the game and gave you g+, 5stars and positive review as Mateusz Gaweł. Please do the same for my app.


I will keep the app on my phone

Rated 5 stars, comment, G+ with name “Thuan Su Ba”
Please do the same with my app: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.thuansb.android.catchnumber
Thanks :slight_smile:

Done rate it 5* and g+ed with name as “paricket katare”

Please help my app, thank!


Thank you!

I just done yours under the name Ray Patrick!

Thank you!


Thanks for that!

I done it under the name Ray Patrick!

Thanks for that!

I done yours under the name Ray Patrick!

I installed, rated it 5* and g+ed with name as ‘Mina Do’.
Please do the same for my game : https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.fs.game.stickman

Done, g+ and review with name “Ngoc Tho Huynh”. Here my game https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.tinykids.kidsmathtiny