[RATE EXCHANGE] Flying Canary Alpha

NOTE if you can rate my game 3-4 stars i shall rate 5 and g+1! thanks

Hey guys just doing another simple rate and g+1 exchange! Just Post your ratings, reviews and comments here and I will rate and review your app shortly after! post the links to your app too so i can easily find them and many thanks!

Game Link:

Game icon 2.jpg

P.S if anyone would like to rate 2 apps and provide 2 for me to rate and review, heres another link to one of my games! completely up to you just provide a link to your app/apps so i can rate! thanks



Rayed and g+ with name Robin Hames. I’d already done Diving Airship and I think you did one of mine, but if you want to rate another, find them at


Install, g+1, review and 5stars as Eneko Cuadrado

Please do the same for https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.okene.horoscoposdiarios


Hey robin! i just rated your pipe the tap game as i think i rated the A to Z Letter Puzzle (2048) one already!

“Really addicting! freggin love the game though its amazing!”

thanks for the support and good luck :slight_smile:

Hey dude i just reviewed your game and g+1’d man! good luck!

“10/10 amar a la aplicación! muy útil para decirle a sus horóscopos! 10/10”

Hi, rated it 5 stars + g+1, also left the review: “The game is addictive and challenging. Recommend it.”

Can you do the same for my game:


Hey bro just rated and g+1’d thanks for the support!

“Love it! really addicting! 10/10”

Rated and reviewed, please do the same for me: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.silvertowerstudio.lolipopcrash

Rated and g+1’d man! thanks for the support!

“AWESOME! love the game! really addicting!”

Ok I rated it as Krenisis gave it 5 stars and G+ it . My app is here


Done 5 * and G+ for your app under. Please rate my game https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.galaxyonegames.theshadowdefense

rated and g+1’d man thanks for the support

“Nice! pretty fun and questions are challenging but its fun for a group game!”

rated and g+1’d man thanks for the support

“AWESOME!!! really addicting game! really fun 10/10”

Hi, rated it 5 stars, installed and also left the review: “The game is addictive and challenging. Recommend it.”
Can you do the same for my game:

rated and g+1’d man thanks for the support

“AWESOME!!! really addicting game! really fun 10/10”

Funny , good job!

Install, g+1, review and 5 stars as Khoa Tran



Just tried to download your game and its not compatible with nexus 7 so im not sure if you have another game i can rate? sorry man but thanks for the support

It’s Okay. No problem. Thank you.