Hey guys!
I’m a fervent supporter of independent game development and have been doing so for quite a while now. But my work, as to this date, has been on HTML5 and .exe formats. I am just getting into developing games for the android market.
My question is about receiving admob revenues. See, I’m travelling around the world, so far my previous work has paid off enough to support my vagabond lifestyle, yet the research I’ve done on the android application marketing etc. lead me to believe that I can pretty much copy/paste a fair bit of my earlier work to the new(for me, at least) platform without too much hassle. But regarding admob, I am not entirely sure how I would be able to acquire my earnings whilst moving from country to country (currently, I’m residing in Australia, I will be leaving for SEA soon, followed by Japan, followed by going back to europe to stay at certain cities for longer periods of time). Does admob offer a payment method that would be accessible to someone, such as myself? I read that they dropped paying publishers via PayPal, which has been, so far, my main payment method in browser-based advertising networks.
Thanks in advance!
BTW, I’m not interested in referral links to other adnetworks or anything like that, I just want to know about AdMob, in particular.
EDIT: And is it possible to receive money made with IAPs in such a manner?
I think the only solution is to receive the money on wire transfer to your bank account and you can use your ATM card to get the money everywhere, I am a traveller and thats what I do.
Alright, thanks. That was, pretty much, what I was expecting to hear (and hoping, for that matter). Now, as for the bank account… what is google’s stance on changing the bank accounts from one bank to another, every now and then? The accounts would be under my name, but just in different countries thanks.
In my experience, you need a Bank Account from the same country of the Google Play account registration. So even if the account is on the same name, you can’t use an account from a different country while traveling.
Edit: I am talking about IAP only, I have no idea about Admob as I never used it.
Let’s say a GooglePlay account is registered in USA and Admob account belongs to another person from Canada.
Will the Admob account be banned if its adUnits are included in a USA app update?
Or if a USA resident transfers his app to a Canadian resident, the Admob account inside the app still belongs to the USA resident. (So it shouldn’t be banned until the next app update).
I mean it is ok for admob not for IAP.
Edit :Sorry, even in case of admob different bank ac from other countries may be not allowed, as admob does address verification in some countries.