Promoting the app trio - MoodDiary, StoryTeller and TicIt

Hello people of the planet Earth,
here is Peter. I recently graduated at the Technical University of Sofia and now it is time to get on with advertising my applications (which I wrote for the Android platform with the aid of my beloved partner in life Gabriela). You will notice her name all over the google play store profile :).
So, a little bit about the 3 apps we have…

App # 1: MoodDiary
We created this app by order from a long - time experienced Cognitive Behavioral Therapist from NZ. The app features a nice design with resizable layout (so it fits all phones) and gives the user the opportunity to enter his moods (including with voice typing), save them and send them to (for now) a gmail account in the form of ordered list (day,hours,input) and use them as he may please. The idea is to help yourself (it is a powerfull tool of self - knowledge and emotion management). It comes in a free (with ads) and in a paid-up (without ads) versions.

App #2: StoryTeller
We created this app by our own idea. The app features a nice design with 13 different languages (including chinese and vietnamese). For some of the languages there is a TTS engine (check in your device). The app gives you the opportunity to read a story to your child (we support at least 15 stories per language and plan to get the DB even richer), to record yourself while reading, to play a recorded story, or to get the phone to read it for you (which naturally does not sound as good as it gets). It comes in a free (with ads) and in a paid-up (without ads) versions.

App #3: TicIt: The Tic Tac Toe classic (gets killer boring in about 2-3 minutes, right?). Well we tried to change this as we created this game. First of all its DB is in the cloud (whatever that means, I guess someone else’s computer, but anyhow). This way you can play on any single phone that runs decent Android and is located on planet Earth (and maybe somewhat nearby). Then we took the field (3x3) and made it 7x4 giving you the amazing 28 chances for the first move. To win you had to make the line of 3…not anymore now you have 7 different figures to play with. And last but not least (my all time favorite) - the cheating! Yes you can literally wipe off the X or the O of your rival and place your symbol over it (it costs some of the in-game money - 3 coins) but if you win you get 5 coins (so you cheat once and still come up with some gain).

This is it. I trully hope you like our apps. Also, please to support us with big stars, reviews, keeping the downloads and some ads active clicking. Do not forget to note what you did on the comments below, so we could return you the favor in full.
Please, feel free to write about what you like, dislike, needs fixing, does not work properly, ect here, on my mail ([email protected]) or be my friend on FB ( I would be honored to talk to you.
Oh, I almost forgot the link to Google Play is:

Hope to hear lots and lots from you!
Take care!
Peter Y.

A) The google link doesn’t work
b) I’m not from the planet Earth!

Here are all the links:
If these do not work as well, please to tell me.
All the best to the non-earthlings as well! :slight_smile:
Peter Y.

Hi PIYatAndroid,

I reviewed all the three app:

5 stars and +1 - Under name Pablo Serra
Link to my app:

Please, also like my facebook page:

Best Regard!

Huge thanks, man! Did the same for your app, liked the FB page and gave it 5 stars and a +1. I lost quite a number of fingers… :smiley: Keep up the good work and I still owe you 2 more revs, so do not hesitate to drop me a message here.
Best regards, Peter Y.