Please respond to reviews!

I just want to ask everyone to make sure they review the apps from people who reviews theirs. I did almost 50 reviews on this forum and less then 20 people reviewed my app in return :frowning:

Check your inboxes and please respond to reviews. I’m still getting less then half the devs reviewing my app in return for reviewing theirs.

My friend i suggest u post ur app here on the forum with details of the review , also if u want review for a review accurately try :slight_smile:

I do sometimes put my app up here for review but found out that most don’t read what I’m asking for in the review. Having some one download a app, put a 2-3 word review and then erase the app with out even opening it, actually does more harm then good. I started PMing other devs because I was able to keep track of who I have reviewed and who has returned the favor.

I can’t help thinking these tight pairs of reviews are pretty easy for google to detect and disregard. Personally I find honest opinions much more useful; I can make real changes that make the app better

Check your inbox for review notices…

I reviewed 17 apps in the last 2 days and got 5 reviews in return. Come one, we are supposed to be helping each other out, not taking advantage of each other!