Normal Banner or Smart Banner ?


I am currently using AdMobs Smart Banners in my 5 games.
But I am just a little bit confused about, which type of banners should I use for more eCPM :confused:

My average smart banner eCPM of all 5 games is 0,26 TL for last 30 days.

So can you advise me which type of banner should I use ,

or can you share your Smart Banner and Normal Banner eCPM to compare which one is better ?

Smart banner should be better.

Why do you think it is better?

Less worry on the ad display problem across multiple screen sizes. For eCPM, I don’t think there is significant differences.

Banner is better, first i think smart banner is better.
But when i test my app both on tablet and phone, big difference appear, phone show banner(app/game) when tablet (smart banner) only show adsense classic text ads . So banner more fill rate than smart banner

Smart banner