New AirPush SDK 6.0 and ProGuard Problems...

I enabled BugSense when generating the SDK for my new app, now i am getting this error when exporting with proguard:

Warning: com.bugsense.trace.models.EventsMechanism: can’t find referenced field ‘java.lang.String ANALYTICS_URL’ in class com.bugsense.trace.G
Warning: com.bugsense.trace.models.PingsMechanism: can’t find referenced field ‘java.lang.String ANALYTICS_URL’ in class com.bugsense.trace.G
[2013-06-27 00:19:06 - ExampleApp] You should check if you need to specify additional program jars.
[2013-06-27 00:19:06 - ExampleApp] Warning: there were 2 unresolved references to program class members.
[2013-06-27 00:19:06 - ExampleApp] Your input classes appear to be inconsistent.
[2013-06-27 00:19:06 - ExampleApp] You may need to recompile them and try again.
[2013-06-27 00:19:06 - ExampleApp] Alternatively, you may have to specify the option
[2013-06-27 00:19:06 - ExampleApp] ‘-dontskipnonpubliclibraryclassmembers’.

I tried several solutions none worked so far, could someone help? :\

Airpush live support told me that it was a known issue and they could not fix it. Weird!
So we have to export our apps without proguard?

This is what they replied me with:

Please refer the link for Bugsense code obfuscating issue.

I can´t believe i missed that, now it works! :slight_smile:

Which target api are you compiling against? I am having issues with proguard with relation to Jscriptinterface. I have been in touch with the Airpush support trying to solve it and I wanted to see if you face the same issue. I am building against api 15

Hey Guys,

Please refer to the SDK with Proguard docs. This should clarify things, send me a PM if you are still running into issues.

Android In-App SDK 6.0 Documentation -
Android SDK 6.0 Documentation -


I am targetting API 9 try that one and see if it works

I followed the instructions but it does not work. Anyone has solutions?
PS. Sorry for my long post.

[2013-07-17 16:43:37 - ] Warning: com.bugsense.trace.models.EventsMechanism: can’t find referenced field ‘java.lang.String ANALYTICS_URL’ in class com.bugsense.trace.G
[2013-07-17 16:43:37 - ] Warning: com.bugsense.trace.models.PingsMechanism: can’t find referenced field ‘java.lang.String ANALYTICS_URL’ in class com.bugsense.trace.G
[2013-07-17 16:43:37 - ] Warning: com.wxpyoxerx.euekfwvam144287.AdView: can’t find referenced method ‘void setBackground(’ in class com.wxpyoxerx.euekfwvam144287.AdView
[2013-07-17 16:43:37 - ] Warning: com.wxpyoxerx.euekfwvam144287.Extras: can’t find referenced field ‘android.widget.RemoteViews bigContentView’ in class
[2013-07-17 16:43:37 - ] Warning: com.wxpyoxerx.euekfwvam144287.Extras: can’t find referenced method ‘$Builder setSubText(java.lang.CharSequence)’ in class$Builder
[2013-07-17 16:43:37 - ] Warning: com.wxpyoxerx.euekfwvam144287.Extras: can’t find referenced class$BigPictureStyle
[2013-07-17 16:43:37 - ] Warning: com.wxpyoxerx.euekfwvam144287.Extras: can’t find referenced class$BigPictureStyle
[2013-07-17 16:43:37 - ] Warning: com.wxpyoxerx.euekfwvam144287.Extras: can’t find referenced class$BigPictureStyle
[2013-07-17 16:43:37 - ] Warning: com.wxpyoxerx.euekfwvam144287.Extras: can’t find referenced class$BigPictureStyle
[2013-07-17 16:43:37 - ] Warning: com.wxpyoxerx.euekfwvam144287.Extras: can’t find referenced class$BigPictureStyle
[2013-07-17 16:43:37 - ] Warning: com.wxpyoxerx.euekfwvam144287.Extras: can’t find referenced class$BigPictureStyle
[2013-07-17 16:43:37 - ] Warning: com.wxpyoxerx.euekfwvam144287.MraidView$JavaScriptInterface: can’t find referenced class android.webkit.JavascriptInterface
[2013-07-17 16:43:37 - ] Warning: com.wxpyoxerx.euekfwvam144287.MraidView$JavaScriptInterface: can’t find referenced class android.webkit.JavascriptInterface
[2013-07-17 16:43:37 - ] Warning: com.wxpyoxerx.euekfwvam144287.MraidView$JavaScriptInterface: can’t find referenced class android.webkit.JavascriptInterface
[2013-07-17 16:43:37 - ] Warning: com.wxpyoxerx.euekfwvam144287.MraidView$JavaScriptInterface: can’t find referenced class android.webkit.JavascriptInterface
[2013-07-17 16:43:37 - ] Warning: com.wxpyoxerx.euekfwvam144287.MraidView$JavaScriptInterface: can’t find referenced class android.webkit.JavascriptInterface
[2013-07-17 16:43:37 - ] Warning: com.wxpyoxerx.euekfwvam144287.MraidView$JavaScriptInterface: can’t find referenced class android.webkit.JavascriptInterface
[2013-07-17 16:43:37 - ] Warning: com.wxpyoxerx.euekfwvam144287.MraidView$JavaScriptInterface: can’t find referenced class android.webkit.JavascriptInterface
[2013-07-17 16:43:37 - ] Warning: com.wxpyoxerx.euekfwvam144287.MraidView$JavaScriptInterface: can’t find referenced class android.webkit.JavascriptInterface
[2013-07-17 16:43:37 - ] Warning: com.wxpyoxerx.euekfwvam144287.MraidView$JavaScriptInterface: can’t find referenced class android.webkit.JavascriptInterface
[2013-07-17 16:43:37 - ] Warning: com.wxpyoxerx.euekfwvam144287.MraidView$JavaScriptInterface: can’t find referenced class android.webkit.JavascriptInterface
[2013-07-17 16:43:37 - ] Warning: com.wxpyoxerx.euekfwvam144287.MraidView$JavaScriptInterface: can’t find referenced class android.webkit.JavascriptInterface
[2013-07-17 16:43:37 - ] Warning: com.wxpyoxerx.euekfwvam144287.MraidView$JavaScriptInterface: can’t find referenced class android.webkit.JavascriptInterface
[2013-07-17 16:43:37 - ] Warning: com.wxpyoxerx.euekfwvam144287.MraidView$JavaScriptInterface: can’t find referenced class android.webkit.JavascriptInterface
[2013-07-17 16:43:37 - ] Warning: com.wxpyoxerx.euekfwvam144287.MraidView$JavaScriptInterface: can’t find referenced class android.webkit.JavascriptInterface
[2013-07-17 16:43:37 - ] Warning: com.wxpyoxerx.euekfwvam144287.MraidView$JavaScriptInterface: can’t find referenced class android.webkit.JavascriptInterface
[2013-07-17 16:43:37 - ] Warning: com.wxpyoxerx.euekfwvam144287.MraidView$JavaScriptInterface: can’t find referenced class android.webkit.JavascriptInterface
[2013-07-17 16:43:37 - ] Warning: com.wxpyoxerx.euekfwvam144287.SmartWallActivity$AppWall$JavaScriptInterface: can’t find referenced class android.webkit.JavascriptInterface
[2013-07-17 16:43:37 - ] Warning: com.wxpyoxerx.euekfwvam144287.SmartWallActivity$AppWall$JavaScriptInterface: can’t find referenced class android.webkit.JavascriptInterface
[2013-07-17 16:45:34 - ] Warning: com.wxpyoxerx.euekfwvam144287.SmartWallActivity$AppWall$JavaScriptInterface: can’t find referenced class android.webkit.JavascriptInterface
[2013-07-17 16:45:34 - ] Warning: there were 4 unresolved references to program class members.
[2013-07-17 16:45:34 - ] Your input classes appear to be inconsistent.
[2013-07-17 16:45:34 - ] You may need to recompile them and try again.
[2013-07-17 16:45:34 - ] Alternatively, you may have to specify the option
[2013-07-17 16:45:34 - ] ‘-dontskipnonpubliclibraryclassmembers’.
[2013-07-17 16:45:34 - ] Please correct the above warnings first.
[2013-07-17 16:45:34 - ] at proguard.Initializer.execute(
[2013-07-17 16:45:34 - ] at proguard.ProGuard.initialize(
[2013-07-17 16:45:34 - ] at proguard.ProGuard.execute(
[2013-07-17 16:45:34 - ] at proguard.ProGuard.main(


We’ve updated our Proguard doc. This should clear up any other issues you’ve been running into.

Android SDK 6.0 Documentation -

@ Steve - For API 9, you need to add the line below into the Proguard file.
-dontwarn <airpush sdk packagename>.**

Was just testing the Airpush In-App SDK (no push notifications/no icon ads) …

Could not get the Airpush ads (or test ads) to show in the demo app in our location.

It would be great if these ad networks could post a youtube video or something which showed what type of ads are shown and how - or maybe have some test ads delivered in test mode i.e. actual ads - so developers know how the ads will behave.

In any case, what this tells me is that SmartWall will not show ads in locations where Leadbolt and AppFlood and others are showing.
Though folks here are reporting good revenue - so perhaps that is all that should matter.

With Airpush - there is a huge proguard file - and I am not comfortable examining it in detail to see WHAT it is exposing from the app - as it seems to be opening up some stuff so it is not obfuscated.

The In-App SDK also has an obfuscated name - ideally if this SDK doesn’t have any stuff that would be mislabeled by antivirus apps, then this should be a non-obfuscated .jar file ??

Are folks still receiving good revenue compared to others like Leadbolt ?
It is hard to evaluate an ad network if their demo app cannot show (dummy) ads for locations they don’t have real ads to show.


Can you PM me your account info so I can have someone on our SDK assist you.
