Need help with rejected updates

Hello Guys, i need help on this one. I had two rejected updates yesterday.

REASON FOR REJECTION:Violation of the intellectual property and impersonation or deceptive behavior provisions of the Content Policy. Please refer to the IP infringement and impersonation policy help article for more information.
Your app and/or elements of its listing on Google Play, including title, description, logo(s), or promotional screenshots must not include unauthorized usage of protected works belonging to a third party.
Your app icon and promotional screenshots must not contain images that appear confusingly similar to existing products.
Protected work could typically include product names, brands, images, logos, music, and similar works.

Application is on

First time i have tried update I didnt’t change any of images/icons just apk.
Second time I have tried an update I tried it with images below, because it seems to me that there was some issue:
