My problem with appwiz

anyway, I received my this month payment :slight_smile:

Me too…

i didn’t receive any thing until now ,they hold more than 3000$ for more than 45 days

When did you guys received your payments? I still haven’t had mine.

Still waiting … I hope 1 more day

I received mine on Thursday, probably they’re not working on Friday & Saturday. Tmr they are coming back.

Received payment but with HUGEE difference !!! WTF

Appwiz Information
10016140 10/01/2013 Pending $1,421.30

Paypal Payment
$805,78 USD

After Paypal Cut
$766,00 USD

Yeah they have a different set up with Paypal than most other networks. It incurs a 4.9% fee through Paypal.
It’s better to get paid via Wire with them in this way.

I am ok with paypal . You miss the point .Huge diffrence is here

Appwiz Information
10016140 10/01/2013 Pending $1,421.30

Paypal Payment
$805,78 USD

Oh sorry I misread that. Yeah the first time they paid me it was missing a large amount too, but I told them and they fixed it. Don’t understand why though.
Add them on skype anni-appwiz to get fast support, but they probably won’t be on until Monday.

Maybe you have small amount of installs coming from USA.

I send mail about that but didnt received convincing answer . Previous moth was ok but this monts is problem and i think problem is about US traffic .
But this money is less than their warning mail about US taffic so i dont know how they calculated this amount

I send mail again about how they calculated my revenue and waiting for reply . Is yours normal ?

But this money is less than their warning mail about US taffic so i dont know how they calculated this amount

Glad I got out before having to deal with payment ripoffs.

they are scam dont use them

Here is the their resonse (mail)

So here how we calculate payment:

  1. We have stoped your PPD payouts on Sep 15th
  2. Deduct 1.4.8 installs during 1-15th of Sep
  3. No in App- through the whole period of time

Here is the what they said about list

  1. Said they will stop PPD for me without acceptable reasion (bad USA traffic)
  2. Never said about that , so i didnt updated apps because i know they will make a problem , so i decide to get last payment and quit
  3. For this reasion and bad traffic they stop my PPD . And also they have sexual ads which can cause ban apps or account

I am continue to send mail but i am not sure they will pay rest of my money . Everybody knows but here is the one more time . APPWIZ Ä°S A SCAM , DONT USE IT!!!

Has everyone received their payment this month?

Yep received it today!

Mine says paid in payment history but i didn’t get anything in my paypal account.

I received my first payment from appwiz yesterday. I integrated appwiz on sep first week and earned 1.7K in that month. I was afraid to see when they got so many negative reviews last month. But my experience with appwiz is completely different from many of you, they are always supportive whenever i mail them and also regarding payment, they are prompt (although they changed net15 to net20) and always informative. Also they have the best PPD rates as of now.