My CTR in one of my app is high using admob interstitial (NEED HELP)

Check this out: Google AdMob Help
Or you can use mopub, or write your own mediation.

Hello, Thanks for the reply, just want to know if do I need to update my code in my apps when I already put my admob code and sdk in my apps? thanks

yes, you would need to use mediation code, and add the ads sdk for each ad network you would want to use.

My app have 2000-3500 downloads per day
and i’m using both Admob interstitial and banner ads on my app.
my impressions are 35-45k per day
banner CTR is 0.50-0.61%
Interstitial ads CTR is 3.0-4.5%
Overall app CTR per day is 0.55-0.63%
earning $20-30 per day(40% from US)

See the screenshot of my app stats of admob interstitial ad yesterday
so is it safe admob state for my app and account?
i’m using interstitial ad by clicking 3 times on menu item and only 1 ad per app session for first 3 clicks and then no ads until next launch of app.

please give me suggestion. help will be really appreciated.

No one for my help?:confused::frowning: