My app doesn't sell in Mexico, any ideas why?

Hi Everyone,

I need advice in regard to the Mexican market, I had my app localized for Russian and Spanish (for Mexican users). Each country generate 30% of my installs/traffic. Yet Russians are making in-app purchases and Mexicans are not. I’m getting zero purchases from Mexican users. Mexico’s user behavior on analytics is virtually similar to other countries with even less drop-off rate. I’m curious to find out why I’m not getting purchases and if it’s within my control.

I have an free educational app with locked features that can be purchased from the app. It’s generating good revenue from localized countries except Mexico.

Any developers with similar experience to mine? Any ideas what can be the cause of this?


Mexican’s are cheap and cant afford to buy apps if they live in Mexico, that’s why they jump the border into the USA, get good jobs then they buy apps when they are in the USA, So you are getting your Mexican Traffic, but you have to wait for them to jump the border first and you will see them as USA traffic instead.

same with me dear my app is also just check out is there any problem in my app or problem is in mexico
“0hour” is the app name


You got to think local. Just because your app is in Spanish it doesn’t mean Mexicans are going to download it.

Have you gone to Mexicans foruns, websites or do you have a Mexican friend that could at least tell you if that app has market there? You got to know that.

My business is to help other business from America and Europe to promote products and services in Brazil. Despite the Brazilian culture being similar to America, it still have a lot of differences. So I am always telling my clients that their business should think like Brazilians, otherwise, they won’t sell. Or they will have a hard time doing so.

My advice to you is go deep at Mexican culture. Research websites and foruns or have someone doing it for you.

Hope I could help.

It´s a cultural thing, here in Chile (and i would say in all South-America) virtually none is willing to pay for an app, at least not yet. We are use too free pirate software: Movies, Music, Windows, book, etc, everything for free.

Thanks for the input guys, if it’s a cultural thing then there not much I can do!

You can do a lot of things. I wasn’t trying to disencourage you. Here are some tips:

  1. Take five keywords people would use to search for your app
  2. Translate them to spanish
  3. Search each of them in Google Mexico
  4. For each result, take the first four articles about it, copy and paste them at this website: SharedCount: Social URL Analytics - This will give you how many shares there were in each social network.
  5. Input the data in this doc sheet and you will discover what is the best channels to be in.
  6. Do the same with foruns, quora and etc.
  7. Start being present at those places, it might help you increase downloads and might help you get feedback.

I think that is a good start.

Just a note. I find that sheet in How to Uncover the Best Marketing Channels for Your Startup
That place can teach you how to define your channels

Anyone have links to Android forums in Mexico or targetting the Spanish users.
An hour of google-fu didn’t help me much.

They are busy munching taco and burrito…