MoPub Ad Networks are Inactive

I set up my ad 2 days ago with 3 different ad networks, but for some reason none of them get impressions. When I run ad server test on mopubb website i noticed this in log :

Removed due to inactivity: Millennial Media key: X,
InMobi key: X,
MobFox key: X

What does it mean? Did I set something wrong? English is my second language so sorry and thanks in advance.

Do you have SDKs for those network added and configured in your app?

I’m curious by your reply??? If your running other networks THRU mopub then why do u need there sdk’s??? Defeats the whole idea of mergeing the networks to one company… ??? Please explain or did you not understand he has the other networks running thru mopub?

Only reason I’m watching this thread is because I’m setting mobfox an tapit thru mopub now (first time use). And I assume that I only need the mopub SDK in my app and that’s it on my app part. I do get the whole key# concept of still registering all my apps on all three networks. But should only need mopub SDK for the apps. If wrong then let us both know. Thanks.

Basically you need two things: SDKs and AndroidManifest changes. MoPub does the rest.

Yup, I have that set up. My app basically behaves same way as their ad server tester. For some reason it bypasses all of my ad networks and tries to get ads only from their “marketplace”.

Thank for the clarification…
BTW. The site approval is for websites and apps? Or just websites? By tomorrow night should have everything on mopub from admob(got closed)…