Minimob money? Yes!!

Minimob is a mobile marketing and advertising platform.

We support you by providing:
-Unlimited & Free Push notifications to re-engage your users to your app. → (SAVE MONEY)
-Campaign Management Interface to run cross promotional campaigns of you own. Promoting either your own apps/services/offers or offers from other networks/advertisers. → (SAVE & MAKE MONEY)
By re-engaging your users to your app and by cross promoting other apps of yours to them, you are growing faster and increasing significantly your inventory.
By promoting any offer you want, either if it is one of yours or from other networks, you become completely indepedent.

If you want help on the monetization side, we are supporting. → (MAKE MONEY)

-As a company, we dont generate our revenues from traffic trading as it happens with all networks. 100% of advertising revenue goes to developer. → (MAKE MONEY)

-Minimob, is a platform developed by an advertiser to reach directly the app developer bypassing any 3rd parties from your revenues. → (IMPROVE YOUR MARGIN)

-Active Install Fee is the best currently in the market.

Capitalize the given opportunity

Contact me

by the way all PMs are replied. Contact me for any question you may have