Making Money with your APPS!


I’m in the process of developing a few apps myself but in the mean time I actually picked up a gig as an affiliate manager at mobAVE. Essentially, were a cost per install network that operates out of HasOffers. I wanted to extend an invite to all my buddies here to our invite only network :slight_smile: As an app developer, and hopefully your soon to be affiliate manager, I’ll make sure you’re taken care of over here. We’ve got plenty of incent allowed and non incent campaigns to chose from. Easy API integration and top notch affiliate support.

We take publishers big and small so don’t be afraid to sign up. Just say you were referred by me here on the forum on your sign up!

Here’s the link to our invite only network- mobAVE!

Talk to you soon and I look forward to working with you,

Post count 1.

invite to all my buddies here

Short comment but a classic!!

Come on guys :slight_smile: I will be more active as my own app development progresses. I figured I’d share this opportunity with you. Made sense to me. Why hate?