Main Factors of App Promotion

Is this the time when you need know the secrets how your App can be in top charts and be visible for huge auditory in Google Play?

Here I am going to share the most effective practice of my app marketing practice and list you main things you should aim at in order to reach success, money and recognition.

First of all, I wanted to point that you are not only who suffer the competition in app marketing. There are millions of apps which are launched with the light speed, so here keep cold mind and take the actions which are really working and considered as a must for app markrting.

Here I will list only Store marketing tips without external super important things as SMM, PR, Blogging, Influencers cooperation and so on. I will give you milestones which are crucial for your Store visibility, discoverability and general image in Store.

So let’s start with the visibility in Store. You know that having a lack of installs your appis going to down rating and exclude the category. It means without of decent traffic volume your app is like «zombie» app which in short time will fade out totally of users’ eye! Have you been working thousand hours without sleep for this? Of course, you need the recognition - so be brave and make a real furor around your app. Launch the incent app installs campaign d which boost mass of traffic and bring your app to top charts being visible for millions of users who will be inspired to download your app!

Discoverability is that thing that make your app be easy foundable via search page of Store. It is already proven that majority of organic installs are coming from search traffic. So let us clear up what we need to do to pumping in first search list. That all about ASO, the keywords which are set within your app’s title and description and play role of hooks which catch the user’s attentions and affect on search algorithm in Store, so your app is suggested for users’ search inquiries and you have tons of organic installs as result.

What is the image? It is your app’s quality and client focus. Here you need to stand out from other apps of category, create high quality design, flawless run processes and pre-testing. Having excellent graphic user interface - you app makes difference from other similar app and is in front of users’ attention and popularity accordingly. Do not neglect the design and high quality screenshots. You can order this in app promotion company ( e.g.KeenMobi ) to be sure that your app filled with all needed elements to appeal the audience.

In conclusion I wanted to add that any app promotion should be started with the initial money and time contribution in order you can get revenues and recognition from auditory. Any great story of indie or app publisher comes from well-planned marketing strategy and implementation of needed actions that I have pointed you above.

I wish you every success and I know that your app’s worth to be on top!!!

Yes, you are right. Lack app installs can make your app merged in the app store. As we can see from the app store that usually the top few apps are installed by many users. Only your app was downloaded by many people, it can rank high in the app store. App installs is very helpful for increasing app visibility in the app store. So this is the reason why many developers want to get more installs for their app. Developers can get more installs from [b]ASOTOP1[/b]. They can help increase your app installs and boost your app ranking through providing keyword search installs. This can help increase your app keyword weight. All the installs are from real phone users. Now they can provide iOS app installs, for Android app, maybe need to wait several days. If iOS app developers have any need, please have a try. Thanks for you reading.

What you said is exactly right!
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The success comes from the visibility. The higher position - the more visibility .:cool:

Boosting traffic with the help of [b]app installs [/b]will bring your app to top position and you will be downloaded by huge amount of Store users.
