Is it right layout to place Admob Banner ads?

[b]Hello friends.
It’s me kumar.

i’m using Admob ad network to monetize my apps on play store.
from now days i’m doing some research on Admob ad network and about correct implementation of banner & interstitial ads on tutorial apps.
i’m in big confusion about where and how to place Admob banners in my apps?:confused:

Here is Screenshot of layout of top Education category app’s banner ad implementation.

When you seen the screenshot One of the dangerous note about out bt apps is that zoom button is coming over Admob banner ads. which is really dangerous or not?
is this type of implementation of Admob banner ads is correct according to you?:confused:

My app is Education tutorial app as well and i’m facing big trouble about where to place interstitial ads in my app?:confused:
here is New admob interstitial ads policy.

so now question is what is the correct way to place interstitial ads on Bt apps??
I need expert opinion about where to place interstitial ads on bt apps? and also about banner ads
help will be really appreciated. thanks before:rolleyes:[/b]