Is it ok to display a banner ad rotated wrongly?

The game I’m working on is to be played width-wise.

Since the height of the screen (when rotated) is a constraint for my game, I don’t want to waste that precious space on banner ads.

Could I keep my banner ads oriented wrongly?

Like so:

Ad --------Game------------------------
Ad --------Game------------------------
Ad --------Game------------------------
Ad --------Game------------------------
Ad --------Game------------------------

<- width of phone ->

Sorry for the terrible ASCII art.

I don’t think its possible… People don’t design their ads that way. It would be hard to fit application name (or any promo text) in 50px width. Here are ads formats:
For a game in landscape you have to sacrifice some of this space for ads, or just go with interstitials.

Well, kakashi i guess Individuals don’t style their ads that way. You should possibly let your audience to have a bit of more space.