Welcome to the new forums! The migration is now complete, and all the old posts & threads have been pulled across to the new site.
The old site is still available as a read-only archive, but all future contributions should be made at this new location.
If you had an account at the old forums, you should follow these steps to get up & running on the new site:
[li]Reset your password. Your username will remain the same, and a password reset link will be emailed to you at the address you originally registered with.[/li][li]Log in to your new account.[/li][li]Edit your profile to add details such as your Google Play developer profile.[/li][li]Add a profile picture and avatar.[/li][li]Have fun![/li][/ul]
Thanks everyone for your patience during the transition. I hope you enjoy the new site. It’s designed to be bigger, better, faster, and much more able to handle a growing community of developers.
Blog is not updated and more knowledge is on forum. You will get more users, why? People who see date of last post will not join to community and thinks that site is outdated.
Nice new look. My only issue is with the limit of inbox messages. @Martin, your inbox is full so i couldn’t reply to your query. You probably have to delete some of your inbox messages.
Try this then:
Forum Actions (near the top) –> General Settings –> Subscriptions (on the left) –> Select the threads you’d like to subscribe to (click the checkbox to the right of them) –> Selected Threads –> “Instantly using email” (under “Update Subscription Type”).
That should do it