Intense hiking and recommended grips for bench press and overhead press

I do intense hiking 4-5 hours two days a week.This amount of conditioning I definitely think more than makes up for the beginning of the Beginner Template. I am definitely considering reducing this amount of hiking as it will conflict with my goal of bulking. I can only eat around 2800 calories, and I cannot eat 3100-3200 calories yet. What is a better amount of hiking like 1 day for 3 hours? Also, what is the recommended grip for overhead press and bench press? I worry about my wrists bending too far back.

When it comes to balancing your goals of bulking and hiking, it might be a good idea to reduce your hiking frequency to one day for three hours to ensure you can meet your calorie intake needs.
As for your concerns about wrist bending during overhead press and bench press, using a neutral grip or a thumbless grip can help reduce wrist strain. It’s all about finding what feels most comfortable and safe for you.
In the meantime, I’ve recently been exploring womens hiking outfits, and I’m curious about your thoughts on them.