Integrate AppFlood interstitial and App Panel


I am having a bit of trouble implementing the AppFlood interstitial and app wall in the same app. The interstitial will be mediated through AdMob.

I am facing two problems:

  1. The AppFlood adapter for AdMob does not include App Panel so I can’t use the provided Adapter if I want both App Panel and Interstitial.
  2. The stand alone AppFlood adapter does not include proper call backs for preloading interstitial (confirmed by AppFlood).

I am trying to figure out how people have implemented AppFlood in their apps. Just putting interstitial through mediation doesn’t seems like a great solution either because it does not cache the ad before calling showAd. There are often times where I find myself hitting the Back button because nothing happens for a few seconds after AdMob calls AppFlood.showInterstitial (probably because its waiting for network query to finish). The wait is even more exaggerated when testing on a slow network.

If someone has experience with Appflood, their insights would be highly appreciated.

I’m having the same problem. Sometimes it take more than 10 seconds to show an appflood interstitial via admob mediation. I’m even thinking of writing mu own customevent adapter. Do you know how to preload an ad in appflood? There is a preload function in appflood as i remember, but i can’t find any documentation about it.