Instagram integration to Android & IOS help please :)?

Hi folks,

Will try and keep this short.

I am at the moment having an Android app and an IOS app made by a professional company. It has cost me £10,000.00 for both apps.

It is a map based app with markers. When clicked on a marker an info box pops up witha Facebook icon linked to page, Twitter etc

I desperately want to add Instagram icon that links to that persons page.

I am being told that at the moment this is not possible and that the only thing that can be linked to via the icon is images.

I am after just clicking the Instagram icon and that takes you to the whole Instagram page of that person.

They are using the native Android APK and the same for IOS.

Are they correct in saying that Instagram has not yet released a SDK/API yet.

Quoted for the company email to me,

On your request to also integrate Instagram to the app, we will be unable to assist due AT THIS STAGE simply due to the fact that Instagram to date does not provide android and ios sdk/api so we cannot integrate instagram directly in any android or ios apps at present. We can still design the user interfaces and integrate the app with Facebook.

Thanks for any help folks :slight_smile: