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Good, cheap, but not fast. Waited my 10000 installs for 6 days, and +3 days for update from Google. But it’s good and cheap, no complains.

Thanks for your comment, Alina! It was about 1600 daily installs delivered, sorry for possible inconvenience, we made a change in offers with better payouts, so right now we’re able to do over 2500 installs daily. Will be glad to see your further orders.

tapinstall team

Referring to my promoting experience: 6 days of 10,000 installs are normal period of providing this service. In case you need more information about boosting traffic - pin me in PM.

Thanks for positive support Vikki!
wish you a good day!

GOOD QUALITY RATINGS/REVIEWS/KEYWORD INSTALLS. 50 for free! Not banned by GOOGLE! - pm me or skype: [email protected] :o

Newsletter from Tapinstall: They added Vietnam in their inventory. Now the list of countries:

Time to register and start conquering new markets! :slight_smile:
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There are 2 speed options to order the Android in [b]KeenMobi[/b]:

  1. Normal Speed (worldwide traffic) at CPI $0.05

  2. High Speed (worldwide traffic) at CPI $0.10

Also there is available target traffic for Android installs: India and USA

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