@mmmkkksss @toxic
sorry, 3800$ not 4800$ but still one install costed average 6c Much cheaper but still too much for free app. Only for IAP apps
You’re right, the secret is that you still need to spend money to make money. But now you have to spend considerably less with my method.
And your IAP logic is wrong, 95% of the revenue I made with the game in my case study, is with ADS, not IAP. And I had both in there.
But what is your return from this method? For example, you spend 6c for one install, each user have to give you 6c + Xc to make money It’s risky like gambling
I have one app that I am yet to advertise. Its free, its already popular. Its making 15cents per user (lifetime) just from ads.
Apps are risky, business is risky, if you don’t risk, you don’t drink champagne
That’s why I prefer to concentrate on my house ads user base. My own intersitials, dialog ads, banners or pushes(after ban only) in huge user base. I observed many people in Google Play with massive spam apps but…without ads and with house ads systems. Good method I think to build userbase and move users to legit app
Its funny developers are looking for guarantee success. Nothing is guaranteed if you game is good and reaches a high rank, it will go viral. If its average it will get some organic downloads then drop slowly. If its bad, it will sink the moment you stop playing for installs.
Your game or app has to have great graphics and addicting gameplay. I havent even mastered making the perfect addiction myself but every game gets better till I do it. I recently using other methods got a game ranked #17 in new free adventure US category and it moved on its own to #12 spot through organic downloads. But then some new games came in the same week and my game went down to #18 in a couple of days. That means the game did catch the eye of some users but the other games were better and knocked my game down. So next time I will have to do better.
But you are talking about 2 apps - one on Android and one on iOS, right? Getting 15c from 1 Android user is very, very high…
I think I might give it a try with some of the cheaper options when I finish my text & images MMORPG, but I don’t like the fact that you give no possibility to influence the time of the shout (day / hour). It quite makes the difference if you get 1-hour shout at thursday 7PM, or at sunday 6AM… I’ll publish my effects so we’ll all learn. If anyone tries it out before, please consider sharing your results
When you put in the order, there is a field where you can specify time of day you prefer.
However, if you don’t specify, we will obviously try and get your shoutout going in the afternoon, when the activity is very high.
Its not in my best interest, or my vendor’s interest to just take your money and run with it once, we want you guys to be partners with us, for repeat business in the future and we will make all the suggestions and modifications necessary to make that happen.
No, actually its all android app that does that. But I would like to stay on point and not teach anyone how to make an app profitable.
I don’t guarantee a positive ROI, that is all on you, on the way you monetize, your ads and your game mechanics.
What I guarantee is that CPI you’re going to get from using Shoutcart, is going be the lowest you have gotten anywhere else AT SCALE.
These are real users, non-incentivized, no bots, no fakes. Real people, downloading and playing your game.
They are also very social and share their scores/achievements back on social media. So these users are worth every penny!
Yes Instagram is great for getting installs - if you didn’t know it - thank @toxic and if you have money buy some shoutouts.
For the poor people who want to try Insta promos - buy yourself a good bot , I use and recommend FollowLiker (Google it). Make a new account with name similar to your app’s name, make a few posts with screenshots of the game and put the Play Store / App Store URL in the bio.
You can set the bot to follow safely 400-500 users a day, make 500-1000 comments and 1000 likes and send 100 DMs to people who you think will be interested in your app. How to find those people - by the hashtags they used. Your IG account will grow over time and more importantly - people will see and maybe download your app. Initial setup is about 1 hour than you hit the Start button and forget about it.
This is NOT as good as promos from 1 Million + accounts but if you’re short on cash it’s the second best when it comes to Instagram.
Thanks, right on the money with that advice right there.
The latest shoutout I bought was actually yesterday - from a 210K account which was exactly 100% match with my app got me about 150 downloads. I paid only $15 so it came down to 10 cents per install.So yes - shoutouts do work especially on Instagram since its pretty much 100% mobile users. If anybody is interested about Twitter, post here if I find some time I’ll post my simple way to get good cheap installs there.
these are the types of testimonials I love to hear. was it only android or both platforms?
In any kind of online business you become much more credible if you give out your business details. A real name to get started with.
My 2 cents.
That logic does not make any sense. If you are claiming you get installs for $0.08 then you should back that up. Don´t expect people to risk THEIR money until is somehow safe, guarantee some minimum results. Besides, what´s the risk you are talking if i am still paying you $0.08 per install? How variable can be the results that it is so risky?
Most people , including me, would prefer to have some first hand experience (besides from the person selling the service) even if the results are not that good as claimed, because for a boost campaign getting US installs at, lets say $0.20, is still excellent.
And if it happens to be as good as you claim, and there is somebody confirming that, your sales will boost immediately…
If you set up more than that you get banned or marked as spam?
Only android. And just to clarify - i did NOT buy the shoutout from OP so please don’t assume I’m endorsing his service. I took a look at his site and what I saw as prices is pretty much in line with the price you will pay if you reach out the those pages owners directly. There is no set in stone price when it comes to shoutouts, I’ve paid $50 for 1 hour s/o from a 50K page, $60 for a permanent post on a 160K, the s/o I was talking about above - $15 for 1 hour on 210K and all kinds of prices in between. It’s all negotiable and depends on many factors.
If OP wants to build trust in his service he can do what other sellers on other forums do - offer a few reputable members ( or at least to David, this forum’s owner whom we trust) free shoutouts in exchange for a review. He will lose a bit in short term but if he believes in his service he will make up his money 10 times. Just my 2 cents
Instagram is a Facebook company so I assume ( I’ve never been so far- knock on wood) you will get banned. It all depends on your account tho - If it’s brand new I wouldn’t go over 50 follows a day, if it’s aged a bit you can push it much more. You can read more about other people’s settings here:
(I’m sorry if posting links to other forums is not allowed, please remove if it’s unappropiate)
The beauty of social media is it’s all virtually free traffic, abuse it all you want, the accounts are free. The hard part is to get exposure to your content so you really need to automate it as much as possible - hence you need a good bot.
But the problem is also that people might not like that you’re spamming an app with a bot. They may give bad ratings to your app?