Does anyone know if it’s possible to register a developer account using VCC like EntroPay? Or any other way? Gift cards for some reason does not work for me anymore.
Why would you ever wanna do that?! I guess you’re trying to spam google play… FUCK YOU!
Fuck you asshole! Is there another reason why I would like to register an account on google play??? Maybe I don’t have any other way, maybe I can’t get my hands on any credit card in my country and I don’t want to pay $100 every time my account get banned.
Language, people. Please keep it civil.
First of all, you shouldn’t get your hands on anyones credit card…
If you’re only trying to make money by creating fake apps, do yourself a favor and kill yourself… Just because you can’t create quality products and your life is miserable doesn’t mean that you have the right to try to make other peoples life miserable!
@mod sorry my language but these retards drive me insane! Luckly tho I think Google will start reviewing the apps before releasing them to the public! Finally!
To everyone else, go and make quality games, or something that you can be proud of!
At first thought this forum was great to discuss different ad networks etc, but it looks like 90% of the people here are working in the “grey area”… I have a lof of valuable experience that I’d like to share, but since this forum is full of Indian money hungry google play spammers, I won’t be sharing anything…
You’re a moron. Plain and simple.
Either that, or he’s billyh …
If your accounts keeps getting banned then it’s probably time to either quit or start making applications that doesn’t break the rules.
@david, why are posts like these (clearly trying to break the google play policies) even allowed?
Edit: I also agree with skatiskate that this place is attracting more and more ‘developers’ who are only trying to make some quick money (by, for example, publishing hundreds of applications with basically the same content), which is something I really dislike.
Am I really the only one on this forum who’s account got banned because of the ad companies were not compliant??? Then that’s great news. I tought there was more people like me, but apparently I’m the only one.
Do not waste your time in searching for VCC , It will not work ,
Try to get a ready made account from one of the sellers in the Buy/Sell forum here
OK. There must be a way they do it, obviously.
Get a life ;D Hahahahah! You’ll never ever get a girlfriend!
I’m leaving this forum @mod if you ever change the rules here, pm me or whatever
btw my last message to you: I knew you were a complete retard! You’ve probably been living under the rock lately! Out of app ads are NOT allowed! I hope you get sued!
Who besides you ever mentioned out of app ads in this thread??? One more proof you’re an idiot. It’s better for this forum if you leave it. So, good luck.
yea, a nice question, how to get it work with a VCC
Google play Dev Accounts in stock
Created with unique ip pc and credit cards
price : 75 dollars
If you need just one account, this guide is not for you. You can easily create it with your own credit card and home work IP address. We here elaborate the case when you need many or at last several accounts.
I don’t know about this but today I get the some idea of this.Thanks .
go to the store and get prepaid visa cards they work for me, Blue Bird Checking Master Cards from Walmart also Work very well. 95% success rate with those ones.