How to index your app and Increase your app's visibility when published

Many developers face difficulties delivering their new apps to potential users effectively. Some advices from the experienced about which marketing methods or partners are best for you will help you make the best choices with the least concern. In the first phase of the new app kick-off, when the customers are not well aware of the product, it is very difficult to approach them. Therefore, you should use the CPI incentivized methods to capture their attraction towards your brand or product.

CPI incentive is a method to get traffic or installs from the users by rewarding them for such actions. The main advantages of this approach are the cost efficiency and the steep increase of installs and awareness of the brand. That makes google index your app easier and helps your app to be more visible to the customers as it would quickly get higher ranking.Buyinstall is one of the leaders in this field who guarantees the agreed installs and ranking with its customers. The benefits of using this product is the competitive fees as well as a sharp rise in number of downloads in a short time.

On the other hand, this method features a shortcoming that this install rate is just short term (1-3 days). You will only have a sense of the necessary information of your target users and set up a long term approaching plan accordingly. Most importantly, it is the quality of your app that makes the success and retain the most loyalty from your customers.